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The Unz Review Digest - October 11, 2019

Placing first this last week was Linh Dinh’s discussion of a few later revelations of the more sordid side of Albert Einstein’s private views and behavior, long suppressed by Jewish journalists and writers, a topic that soon provoked an outpouring of nearly 500 related comments, totaling over 65,000 words.

Running a close second was Paul Kersey’s discussion of the rate of theft in an overwhelmingly black area near Atlanta, which has reached such remarkable levels that grocery stores have been forced to take the precaution of placing their regular aisles behind protective barriers, which quickly attracted 1.4K Facebook Likes despite several days of apparent censorship by that Social Media platform.

Our third most popular featured article was the Saker’s review of the new technological weapons systems, several of them pioneered by Russia, which have largely eliminated America’s perceived military advantages and suddenly removed our decades-long assumed monopoly on supreme global striking power.  With foreign drones and cruise-missiles having been used to suddenly destroy the majority of the Saudi refining capacity while their forces have suffered repeated defeats in Yemen, the ineffectiveness of the gigantic amounts that government has spent on purchasing both offensive and defensive American weaponry over the years has become clear.

Ranking fourth was John Derbyshire’s extended discussion of his recent extended trip to China and the astonishing economic and technological progress that huge country has made in the 18 years since his previous visit and the 36 years since he had previously lived there.

And rounding out our most popular featured articles was Philip Giraldi’s discussion on the very considerable number of Israeli citizens occupying key points near the top of the American government and especially its national security and financial administration, along with Lance Welton’s focus on the ongoing collapse of the “College Bubble,” leaving behind a gigantic accumulated debt for younger Americans.

Finally, although my own 20,000 word historical “counter-narrative” of World War II has dropped out of the top spots, it continues to accumulate readership, after less than three weeks already reaching the third spot of all our articles published over the last six months, and with its more than 1300 comments now totaling over 235,000 words.

In 2018, the publication of Albert Einstein’s travel diaries was greeted by newspaper headlines lamenting his politically incorrect views of Asians, particularly the Chinese. Most egregious was Einstein’s verdict on Chinese women, “I noticed how little difference there is between men and women; I don’t understand what kind of fatal attraction Chinese women possess that... Read More
Previously on SBPDL:
There are probably hundreds of books out there about the so-called "Revolution in Military Affairs", some of them pretty good, most of them very bad, and a few very good ones (especially
• Monday, September 9th: Leaving New York. We fly Air China from New York to Peking, a single 13½-hour flight. There is no way an economy-class flight that long can be enjoyable, but Air China don't do anything to make it wor
Sigal Mandelker refuses to say but resigns anyway
Given Israel’s clearly demonstrated ability to manipulate and manage American government at all levels, there is inevitably considerable speculation about the presence of actual Israeli citizens in the federal and state bureaucracies. Very often, lists that appear on the internet focus on Jewish legislators, but in reality, few of them are likely to have Israeli... Read More
See also
So here we go. Like a 1960s straight-to-drive-in Hammer Film Production, the 2020 campaign season has begun. Dig into your bucket of popcorn, pop the flap on your box of Good & Plenty, turn off your mind, and enjoy the show. From the looks of the trailer, it’s going to be a doozy. That’s right,... Read More
Some people seem hell-bent on acting out anti-Semitic stereotypes. If Bernard-Henri Lévy embodies a caricatural warmongering supremacist Zionist, Jacques Attali has become the poster child for the anti-national globalist. The French civic-nationalist and anti-Zionist website Égalité & Réconciliation aptly
The following timeline is a work in progress. All additions listed below have been integrated into the timeline; however those additions are noted here so those who read the material earlier are aware of revisions to the timeline. The author expects 1-2 additions to the timeline per week. 8 September 2019 10 September 2019 12... Read More
Albert Camus’ novel, The Plague, and Jean Raspail’s The Camp of the Saints seem to have wildly opposed themes: human solidarity in the former versus pathological altruism in the latter. There are striking similarities, however, between them. Both novels feature dual-threat scenarios: external threats combined with inner moral complicity. Both were prompted by large-scale disasters:... Read More
Is US national security being trumped by loathing for Trump?
The transcript of President Trump’s July 25 telephone conversation with Ukraine’s recently elected president, Volodymyr Zelensky, has ignited the usual anti-Trump bashing in American political-media circles, even more calls for impeachment, with little, if any, regard for the national security issues involved. Leave aside that Trump should not have been compelled to make the transcript... Read More
In late 2006 I was approached by Scott McConnell, editor of The American Conservative (TAC), who told me that his small magazine was on the verge of closing without a large financial infusion. I'd been on friendly terms with McConnell since around 1999, and greatly appreciated that he and his TAC co-founders had been providing... Read More
A recent interview given by a former high-ranking official in Israeli military intelligence has claimed that Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual blackmail enterprise was an Israel intelligence operation run for the purpose of entrapping powerful individuals and politicians in the United States and abroad. Since the apparent death by suicide of Jeffrey Epstein in a Manhattan prison,... Read More
One of my all-time favourite fictional stories about the nature of political belief is Flannery O’Connor’s The Barber, published in 1948. This remarkable short story, written when O’Connor was just 20 years old, follows a number of interactions in the life of George Rayber, a college professor who decides to visit a new barber just... Read More
A Study in Ethnocentrism
Karl Muck
This year saw the publication of a curious little history about a curious little event from the First World War.
In 1989, the Jewish screenwriter and journalist Frederic Raphael was invited to deliver the 25th Anniversary Lecture at the University of Southampton’s Parkes Institute for the study of Jewish/non-Jewish relations. Founded by
Jewish engagement with evolutionary theory is an important dimension of modern Jewish history and thought. While Jewish leaders and intellectuals have used the science of evolution to
Trust the late Anthony Bourdain, the
“How dare you?” Eight centuries ago, during the Middle Ages, some European children were seized by visions. Jesus Christ appeared to them, urging them to redeem their people by marching to the Holy Land and peacefully converting the Muslims to Christianity. Their preaching inspired tens of thousands of idealistic European youth, who undertook the arduous... Read More

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