John, this is absolutely shameful -- on Tuesday, Senator Mitch McConnell once again proved that he will always put partisan politics before the will of the American people.
He and his GOP Senate allies abused the filibuster to shut down discussion on the For the People Act (H.R. 1/S. 1). That’s right -- it didn’t matter that the bill is enormously popular with constituents, that a Senate majority (50 senators plus Vice President Kamala Harris) supports it, or that it’d help voters of all parties and backgrounds be heard.
Because McConnell can take advantage of this undemocratic parliamentary loophole -- he has a stranglehold on Congress’ agenda. And that means he can block progress on just about any issue he wants.
Sign the Petition: A few partisan politicians shouldn’t be able to hijack the Senate and shut down bills that a majority of Americans care about. End the filibuster immediately >>
John, 67% of American voters want the For the People Act. [1] And right now, this bill couldn’t be more important -- as GOP lawmakers in swing states like Georgia and Florida are doing everything in their power to limit the freedom to vote.
But thanks to Mitch McConnell and the filibuster, this historic legislation couldn’t even get a debate on the Senate floor or a fair up-or-down vote this week.
That’s outrageous. How can Congress truly represent the American people when a handful of partisan politicians have the power to completely stifle the will of the voters?
That’s why we’re calling on the Senate to make abolishing the filibuster a priority. This is hardly a radical idea -- the filibuster has changed many times over, major political figures from various ideological backgrounds support eliminating it, and it doesn’t even appear in the Constitution.
Right now, add your name to urge the Senate to abolish the filibuster -- so that our representatives can get to work on the issues that matter.
Our fight for the For the People Act is far from over. But if we want to move this all-important bill forward -- we must be able to push through Mitch McConnell’s blockade.
I hope you’ll speak out today and urge your friends and family to do the same.
Thanks for all you do,
Devon Nir, Digital Campaigner
and the team at Common Cause