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 News of the Week

NYC Rent Guidelines Board Sets Mid-Year Rate Hike for Stabilized Tenants
The board voted to freeze existing rents for six months before increasing rates for the remaining half of the year, what some members described as a compromise between what tenants and landlords had each been pushing for. The new rules will take effect Oct. 1.

Pandemic Continues to Cause Shortages for NYC’s Blood Supply

COVID-19 cancelled more than a year of school-based blood drives, while the return of pandemic-postponed medical procedures is driving up demand for blood. 

Maya Wiley, Kathryn Garcia Urge Voters to Wait for Final Ballot Counts
The two candidates trailing Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams closest in the polls and preliminary results said it was too early to know who the final winner will be. “This is going to be a ranked choice election. This is going to be about not only the one, but also about the twos and threes,

Eric Adams Strikes Celebratory Tone as Ranked Choice Count Begins
Eric Adams predicted victory in New York City’s Democratic primary for mayor Tuesday, telling supporters he was confident he won the June 22 election for the city’s top job.

Andrew Yang Concedes in NYC Mayor’s Race: ‘I’m a Numbers Guy’
Once a front runner in the race and known for his high-energy campaign, Yang’s position in opinion polls had slipped in recent weeks

Worker Shortages at Some NYC Polls: Missing Translators, ‘A Table With Nobody’
At the Jacob Riis Settlement Houses poll site in the Queensbridge Houses, a table was set up Tuesday morning to offer translation services for voters. But some chairs sat empty: two of the three Board of Elections translators slated to serve the site—its Spanish-language and Chinese-language interpreters—had yet to show.

‘I Don’t See the Point’: NYers React to Ranked Choice Voting
‘For me it’s not about choice—I know who I want to vote for and I voted for them,’ one voter told City Limits Tuesday. But others said they like RCV, and that it prompted them do more research about the candidates than they normally would.

2021 Primary Day: NYC Votes for a New Mayor, City Council


The 2021 municipal races are well underway, and CityVote is here to stay. 

Let us keep you up to date on all the accelerating 2021 races in NYC.


Una Ciudad sin Límites

A medida que la carrera de las primarias llega a su fin, abundan los apoyos de los grupos ecologistas. ¿Quién ha salido ganando?
  El 8 y el 10 de junio pasado, las periodistas Aura Bogado y Laura Morel publicaron dos historias en Reveal del Center for Investigative Reporting sobre el trato a menores en el centro de refugio para niños migrantes.

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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics

Opinion: Our Sons are Among NY’s 65K Ultra-Orthodox Children Lacking Secular Education
‘In high school, one of our boys is receiving zero secular education, and the other will experience the same once he reaches that age. By not addressing this educational neglect, New York is robbing children of the opportunity to reach their full potential in life.’

Opinion: To Protect NY’s Immigrants, End Law Enforcement Cooperation with ICE
‘The New York for All Act would have prohibited state and local agencies, including peace officers and law enforcement, from sharing information with ICE to funnel immigrants into the detention and deportation system.

Opinion: I Interviewed for Andrew Yang’s Nonprofit. It Was Demoralizing.
‘After an exercise in which we innovated a refrigerator to alert users when their food had gone bad, they handed out note cards and asked each of us to write down who we thought did the worst.’

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