
As you know, the bad news is hardly in short supply these days––which is why, more than ever--genuine good news is cause for celebration. And how remarkable that today’s batch of good news would come from Austin—a city that has become ground-zero for so much left-wing madness!

What good news, you ask? I mean the victories of this year’s Texas Legislative Session! Texans have insisted yet again that their elected officials protect their most bedrock liberties and values. And with our help, a majority was persuaded to act on that demand.
Let’s be clear: these victories come thanks, in large part, to you and your faithful support. Your regular gifts and fervent prayers are the fuel that powers everything we do to educate and mobilize the people of Texas—and make their voices heard.
That’s why I write you today: to thank, update, encourage you, and yes—ask you to send another generous and much-needed gift. Because tomorrow will need good news just as badly.

My first bit of good news? It’s the signing of the Texas Heartbeat Act—Texas’ strongest pro-life bill since the ruling on Roe v Wade. I cheer this happy end to months and months of our team’s hard work, but I also grieve that Texas needs such a law to save unborn babies. Over 50,000 abortions are committed every year in Texas.

This law is simple. If an unborn baby’s heartbeat is detected, human life will be protected. But the Left has erupted in rage at this bit of common decency—and vowed to fight in the courts. 

They’re so incensed, in fact, that Biden’s very own spokesperson denounced it from her media pulpit as “... the nation’s most restrictive law...” on the issue. You know you’re doing something right when the Biden White House lashes out at you! 

They’re enraged because it creates civil liability, which means you and any Texan can bring legal action to enforce the Texas Heartbeat Act, and you don’t have to wait on the government to take action on this critical issue of life! This is what makes the Texas Heartbeat Act different from heartbeat laws from other states, and this should safeguard our Texas law from the usual court challenges by abortion groups when just the government is involved.

The Left is equally enraged at the reasonableness of our second major victory––the Freedom to Worship Act. We worked with Rep. Scott Sanford and Sen. Angela Paxton
to stop government agencies and local officials from abusing their power and shutting down places of worship. 

Big Government exploited COVID as an excuse to violate our First Amendment rights, and pretend that our spiritual well-being and our ultimate loyalty to God does not even exist. I don’t know about you, but I won’t stand for my government telling me what’s right for my soul, or deciding when I can worship my God. That’s why our passage of the Freedom to Worship Act is such a relief.

There were disappointments, to be sure. A ban on harmful transgender “gender modification” surgeries on children was shot down. And a law to protect women’s sports from being destroyed by biological men competing as women passed the Senate but never voted on by the Texas House. But even these defeats come with a silver lining—Governor Abbott’s decision to call a Special Session. This new session also gives us another chance to get out the word and encourage everyone to contact their legislators—and give these bills a different outcome. 

And I have even better news! Thanks to a generous matching grant, every dollar you give today will be doubled—up to $25,000 by the end of our fiscal year! 

I know summer is a distracting time; usually our weakest time of year for financial support. But in light of the wonderful opportunity this Matching Grant gives us, and the Special Session’s opportunity to readdress vital, un-passed measures—may I ask you to remember Texas Values?

Before signing off, let me share with you a few words about David Walls, our long-serving and incredibly effective Vice-President. If you’ve been involved with us at the ground level, you know how dedicated, visionary, and multi-talented David has been in every phase of our work. David has been called by God to serve a like-minded Christian organization in another state. Please join me in thanking David and his family for their astonishing service here in Texas, and praying for their new path. 

Our path remains clearer than ever. I’m asking you to stand for the safety of our children, and the welfare of our women and girls. All is far from lost—despite the darkness of our times. The End of Fiscal Year goal that we need to reach by the end of June is $100,000. Starting our new fiscal year that begins in July even stronger for the special session and other important work we do! You can make a true, impactful difference by sending your boldest, most generous gift today. Will you?

Your gift will have a powerful impact, fueling a team that is working harder and accomplishing more than opponents ten times our budget. So please give today––as you can.


Jonathan Saenz
President, Texas Values


P.S. Today, we celebrate good news in the midst of dark times—and the hope of more good news to come. Please seize this chance to double your gift through this $25,000 Matching Grant and get Texas Values to our End of Fiscal Year goal of $100,000—and seize this Special Session’s chance to revisit missed legislative opportunities. Will you give boldly today?

900 Congress Ave. Suite 220 | Austin, TX 78701 | 512.478.2220

Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Copyright © 2020 Texas Values, All rights reserved.

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