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Dear John,

We are incredibly excited to share the news that Futures Without Violence and our partner the International Center for Research on Women have been chosen as the recipient of a $100,000 prize that will support our Changing the Game for Girls/Coaching Boys Into Men program!

Two philanthropic leaders -- Lever for Change and Rockefeller Philanthropic Advisors -- joined forces with global philanthropists including the Ford Foundation to put the power of philanthropy into the hands of young people.

Columbia Business School students were challenged to review the highest-rated projects in a recent MacArthur Foundation 100&Change funding competition (including our program Changing the Game for Girls/Coaching Boys Into Men). Then, through a rigorous competition of their own, they chose the most impactful project. We are deeply honored to be the recipient of this prize with ICRW!

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© 2010 Photo by David Snyder/Courtesy of ICRW

Girls and young women are incredible agents for change and investments in this program will have a game-changing impact on their lives and communities. We celebrate this award with all of you!

In solidarity,
Esta Signature

Esta Soler
Founder & President



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