Thanks to gun owners like YOU who flooded Republican John Cornyn’s office with letters, Cornyn backed out of talks with Chris Murphy to pass universal background checks. |
But now we have a new fire to put out. |
Two turncoat Republicans -- Lindsey Graham and Pat Toomey -- are now trying to take Cornyn’s place to pass background checks. |
While Politico is reporting that current talks stop short of “universal” background checks, we all know that anti-gunners will use this “compromise” bill as a stepping stone to get their full agenda. |
We need to pressure EVERY Senator to strike down background checks or else face the wrath of millions and millions of gun-owning voters. |
Lindsey Graham has been a thorn in the side of gun owners for years. |
But if he cares even one bit about taking back the Senate from Kamala Harris’ control, then he better not lay one finger on the Second Amendment. |
A recent survey conducted by Gun Owners of America found that a WHOPPING 92% of gun owners would NEVER vote for a Senator who votes for universal background checks. |
Every Senator must FULLY understand that there will be severe repercussions at the ballot box if they make a pact with anti-gunners to pass universal background checks. |
But Republicans especially need to know that they cannot take pro-gun voters for granted. |
They promised to hold the line in Kamala’s Senate. If they choose to align with anti-gun forces at our expense, then Republicans will prove to be no different from Kamala. |
But all hope is not lost. John Cornyn saw the AVALANCHE of letters from furious pro-gun voters like you and immediately dropped his plans to stab us in the back. |
Now it’s time to turn up the heat once again as Lindsey Graham becomes the latest Republican to pick up the mantle of the anti-gun lobby. |
Erich Pratt Senior Vice President Gun Owners of America |
Contributions to Gun Owners of America are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. |
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