At his rally last night, Trump called me an “America-hating socialist” and a “disgrace.” He shouted xenophobic conspiracy theories about me. He scolded my district for voting for me.
Trump is stoking hate and violence, but his hate is no match for our movement.
Please stand by me and help fight back by donating $3 or whatever you can to our campaign. (You can donate monthly, or choose to donate once.)
-- Ilhan
Tonight, Donald Trump is holding a rally in my home congressional district (MN-05) in an attempt to turn Minnesota red -- and distract the media from his inevitable impeachment.
I know Trump will use this rally as an opportunity to attack me. But no Trump smear will ever stop me from working toward what I'm in Congress to do: Pass Medicare For All, raise the minimum wage, repeal the Muslim ban, enact a Green New Deal, and impeach Trump.
Please donate $3 or whatever you can to our campaign. Every dollar matters in the fight against Trump’s corporate money and misinformation. (You can donate monthly, or choose to donate once.)
More than a thousand miles away at a rally in North Carolina, Trump lashed out at me while his supporters chanted, "Send her back." I can only imagine what hateful, xenophobic lies he’ll feel emboldened to spread when he’s right here in Minneapolis.
But there’s a reason Trump lost this state in 2016: We stand for everything he’s against.
I'm grateful to the PCCC for standing with me ever since I was part of the first PCCC National Candidate Training in 2015 when I was first running for office. And I'm grateful to have the PCCC standing with me now. Together, while Trump spews hate, we will keep fighting for the America we deserve.
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- Ilhan Omar

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told PCCC members, "The majority of Americans are with us on the policies. Americans support Medicare for All, expanding Social Security benefits, gun reform, debt-free college, and a $15 minimum wage. Bold progressive values are popular EVERYWHERE. Together, we have the people. Together, with your help, we’ll have the votes." Chip in $3 here.
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