People For Member, On Tuesday, the For the People Act failed to advance in the Senate on a PARTY LINE VOTE – with all Democrats (including Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia) uniting to defend voting rights and all Republicans using the filibuster to block this vital reform package from even being debated. This critical vote marks the beginning, not the end, of this fight in the U.S. Senate. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), who chairs the Committee on Rules and Administration, has already announced a series of hearings on key reforms in the For the People Act, including a field hearing in Georgia where one of the country’s most egregious Jim Crow-style voter suppression laws was recently passed… The Freedom Ride bus tour is still going – with stops coming up in West Virginia (Sen. Manchin’s home turf) and Virginia before ending up in DC with a massive rally even this weekend… Our ads – in both English and Spanish – are running in Arizona, the state of Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, who just published an op-ed stating her opposition to ending the filibuster despite supporting the For the People Act as a cosponsor… And we’re ramping up grassroots pressure on the Senate all across the country with rallies, teach-ins, activist trainings, and more! Our democracy is on the line. The battlefield shifts slightly with every new procedural vote, committee hearing, or compromise proposal floated by senators like Joe Manchin … but, in the end, those few senators standing in the way of ending the filibuster will have no choice but to acknowledge that far-right, anti-democracy Republicans cannot be negotiated with and that our democracy cannot be sacrificed on the altar of “bipartisanship” or some arcane Senate rule. Thank you for everything you do. -- Ben Jealous, President