
Join us TODAY on Twitter for our weekly #Thursday30! From 12:00-12:30pm ET, use the hashtag #UniteForHealthCare! This week, we're focusing on health equity and high prescription drug costs. Please feel free to use and customize social posts below from our regularly updated Thursday 30 Toolkit. Suggested content for this week includes:
  • As our nation recently honored Juneteenth as a national holiday for the first time, this is a critical moment to recommit to the goal of racial justice in health care. #healthequity #UniteForHealthCare
  • Health should not depend on who we love or how we identify. #LGBTQ+ ppl in America often face stigma, systemic trauma, and hate that leads to #healthinequalities. During #Pride and always, we need to fight for #LGBTQ+ #healthequity. #UniteForHealthCare
  • (1) #PrescriptionDrug price gouging that restricts access to medications literally costs Black and Brown people their lives and limbs. Black & Latinx patients are more likely than white patients to ration diabetes & hypertension meds due to cost. #healthequity #UniteForHealthCare
    • (2) Racism puts Black and Latinx people at higher risk of these diseases & price gouging blocks them from accessing treatment. #healthequity #UniteForHealthCare
  • #HealthEquity policy solutions must address access to #healthcare and the factors that shape health in order to have the greatest impact. Join us, let’s dedicate ourselves to passing major #healthequity policy in 2021. #UniteForHealthCare
To your health,

Hannah Markus
Strategic Partnerships Coordinator
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Health Action Network

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