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Data can be a powerful tool to answer questions and shape policy. To many of us, data—on its face—seems objective and irrefutable. But without context, clarity, transparency, and reflection the stories data could tell about school, student, and teacher experiences can be lost.

What data is collected? How is it collected? Who is reflected in the data? These decisions affect people’s perceptions of the data they see—the story that data tells, what it captures, and how it can and should be used to inform decisionmaking.

Our new resource breaks down what it means to build trust in data for both those who share it and those who consume it—providing tips to make meaning from the numbers that you see so you can demand clarity, uncover biases, understand how to foster trust in data, and take action armed with full information.

After all, building trust is a two-way street.

Whether you are a producer of data (such as a state or district leader) or approaching it as a consumer of data (parent, family member, or interested community member), or both, our Consumer’s Guide to Data is a valuable resource.

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