
LAST CALL for tomorrow’s #IWFReads Book Club with Sarah Frey, an incredibly inspiring entrepreneur who escaped rural poverty and created a billion-dollar farming business—all from the land that she loves.


Join Carrie Sheffield and me as we discuss Sarah’s bestselling book, The Growing Season: How I Built a New Life—and Saved an American Farm

“You sow seeds and hope for the best. You pray for good weather, but you don’t always get good conditions. No two summers are alike; everything is seasonal. You have dark times and bright ones. For human beings every season can be a growing season - the ones that are fallow can teach you as much as the ones that are bountiful.” - Sarah Frey

You’ll be able to ask questions during the live virtual event, as well as join in on the discussion in our private Facebook group.

Sign up today before it’s too late. And be sure to grab a copy of The Growing Season to read Sarah’s heartfelt and gutsy story.


Thanks and hope to see you tomorrow!

Elizabeth Tew
#IWFReads Book Club Co-Host