Good afternoon Ajax!
We are getting closer to election day and every day brings with it more excitement. We have been spending most of our time canvassing and delivering lawn signs and our reception continues to be positive as we continue talking about the PPC platform and issues that matter to the people of Ajax. We have also been busy planning for election day and will need help to ensure we get out the vote - more to come on that later.
As most of you know, Maxime Bernier was allowed to participate in the federal leaders debate in both official languages, and despite the obvious attacks, things went well. What you may not know is that afterwards, the Peoples Party was one of the most searched terms on Google after both debates, which is very encouraging.The message is getting through and the people of Canada are learning about the PPC and our platform.
Susanna also appeared on a podcast called "The People's Conversation". This is a new podcast that is being launched that focuses on Canadian political discourse through the lens of classical liberalism. Look for the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and other locations in the coming days. But for now you can go directly to the podcast and listen to the interview here:
Going to keep this email short and to the point this week. From everyone at the campaign we wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving long weekend!