I’m reaching out because our second quarter deadline is rapidly approaching, and we need to finish strong. Nancy Pelosi is determined to see me out of office, and we need a strong showing to remind her that she won’t be able to flip this seat blue.
We are one of the districts that Pelosi and her D.C. Democrat campaign committee have repeatedly tried to flip, and we know they’ll do anything to maintain a slim majority in Congress. To take back the House and stop the endless spending, tax hike proposals, and overregulation by the Far Left, we have to keep Southwest Washington red.
The radical Left wants to implement policies that cripple growth and limit opportunity for the American people. As somebody who has seen the promise of the American dream up close, I know that we need to protect our way of life.
That’s why it’s so important that we finish the quarter strong. Nancy Pelosi and her Democratic friends will be watching, and if we fall short of our fundraising goal, we risk becoming even more of a target to the Left. The future of Southwest Washington, and the United States, is on the line — will you consider contributing today?
Thank you for your support,
Jaime Herrera Beutler
Jaime for Congress
PO Box 1614
Ridgefield, WA 98642
Copyright © 2021 Jaime for Congress, All rights reserved. 
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