“International Panel on Climate Change steps up warning on climate tipping points in leaked draft report”
— The Guardian 6/23/21

The science is clear: climate change is altering our planet and intensifying severe weather events — and we are running out of time to stop its worst effects.

We must act. We must act now. And we must act together.

After four years of Trump’s climate science denial we must work with urgency to lay the foundation for a new clean energy era, expand a clean energy economy and jobs, and reengage with the global community to address climate change.

I’ve been proud to fight for many of the provisions included in President Biden’s American Jobs Plan, including legislation to create a national climate bank, cut energy costs for homeowners, expand clean energy jobs and technology, and invest in efforts to restore the health of the Chesapeake Bay and our oceans.

We must do everything in our power to address this existential threat.

That’s why climate and clean energy funding must be at the core of any infrastructure deal that makes it through Congress and to the President's desk.

Taking strong and decisive action to avert irreversible and catastrophic climate change must be a top priority. If you agree, add your name to support substantial climate and clean energy funding in the next infrastructure bill >>

Yesterday, I met with environmental leaders to discuss the challenges and opportunities we face as we work to build back our infrastructure and economy and curb climate change.

We need to invest in comprehensive clean energy infrastructure including electric vehicles, modernizing our electrical grid nationwide, battery technology, and so much more.

Even as we work to reduce planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions, we know climate change will fundamentally impact life on Earth in the coming decades — and we need to be ready. Our actions today matter more than ever.

That starts with ensuring that our next infrastructure package includes a significant investment in a clean energy economy and jobs. If you’re with us, please add your name to demand consequential action to prioritize the fight against climate change >>

Thank you,
