Green Party of Canada

Hey there Friend,

Yes, it’s that special time of the year when the Green Party deluges supporters like you with fundraising emails. 

And yes, we know we fill up your inbox.

We know other organizations are asking for your money and attention too.

We know this because we’re like you! There are real live people behind these emails; people with multiple inboxes, too many newsletter subscriptions, and always a message to reply to.

So we just wanted to pause from our regularly scheduled program to let you know we get it: hitting the unsubscribe button is tempting. But fundraising periods like this are so important to a political party whose sole revenue comes from the generosity of people who click the donate button.

Speaking of which…


If you can give today, we appreciate it. It doesn’t go unnoticed. And it makes all our effort writing these emails and sending them to kind people like you worth it.

Green supporters really are the best. We believe that from the bottom of our hearts. And we know this special fundraising time may not be your favourite season, but just know we’re right there with you.


Your friendly neighbourhood fundraisers
Green Party of Canada


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This email was sent to: [email protected]. We believe that emails are a vital way to stay in direct contact with supporters like you. If you'd like you can unsubscribe from this type of mailing or opt-out of all mailings. To contact us please reply to this email.

Our mailing address: PO Box 997, STN B, Ottawa ON, K1P 5R1. Call us toll-free: 1-866-868-3447

Authorized by the Green Party of Canada Fund, Chief Agent for the Green Party of Canada.