Equity-focused advocates and organizations are challenging a historically segregationist system of public policies and institutional practices that have produced long-standing patterns of racial inequity across our country.
In the latest addition to the Racial Equity Analytics Lab content collection, Urban Institute experts Peace Gwam and Mychal Cohen explore the history of segregation in Washington, DC. Through conversations with DC-based changemakers George Derek Musgrove, Stephanie Sneed, and Vaughn Perry, the researchers identified the following takeaways to consider to combat the legacy of segregation in the nation’s capital:
The history of racialized policies that have led to segregation in DC must be confronted;
Policies meant to address segregation are falling short;
Combatting segregation is about restoring choice about where to live and thrive;
Washington DC can address its history of segregation by redistributing wealth and resources.
This growing collection will expand to address how legacies of discriminatory policy and practice have rippled across additional policy domains. We hope it is an entry point for building awareness on the history and ongoing harms of structural racism and the strengths and limitations of tools for dismantling its legacy.
Please feel free to email me at [email protected] if your organization would like to connect with our experts about other tools and products that can inform racial equity efforts.
Urban Institute is a nonprofit research organization that believes in the power of evidence to improve people’s lives. Urban as an organization does not take policy positions but Urban’s independent experts are empowered to make recommendations based on their research.
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