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ADL Responds to Tragic Shooting Outside German Synagogue on Yom KippurOn Wednesday, October 9, as worshippers gathered at a synagogue in Halle, Germany for Yom Kippur services, a far-right gunman shot and killed two individuals in the nearby area. Germany’s authorities confirmed this was an anti-Semitic attack. ADL continues to provide on the ground support to the impacted community and other Jewish institutions across Germany, and the Center on Extremism is monitoring developments in the investigation and providing the public and law enforcement with information and analysis about the incident.
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25th Anniversary ADL In Concert Against Hate Honorees Announced
Last week, ADL Washington, D.C. announced the four honorees selected to be recognized at the Concert Against Hate on Monday, November 4 at The John F. Kennedy Center For Performing Arts. Invite your friends and post this promo video - you and those who share ADL's values won't want to miss out on this incredible evening.
Judge Thomas Buergenthal
Having survived the horrors of the Holocaust, he went on to serve as a judge at the International Court of Justice, and has tirelessly advocated for human rights on the world stage.
Taylor Dumpson
Elected American University’s first black woman student body president, she confronted racism on her campus and harassment online — today she is breaking ground to hold those who targeted her accountable for their actions.
Claire Sarnowksi
Inspired by her interactions over several years with a survivor of the Shoah, as a high school student she spearheaded the successful 2019 legislative effort to mandate that children and teens in Oregon learn the lessons of the Holocaust in their classrooms.
Mia Yamamoto
Born in a World War II Japanese internment camp, navigating the world as a transgender woman, she has overcome the barriers and obstacles placed in her way because of her identity, to fight for justice and equal representation.
For 25 years, ADL In Concert Against Hate has honored every day heroes in the battle against intolerance, injustice and extremism. These extraordinary people have performed acts of courage and compassion when confronted by the forces of hate. Their stories, narrated by renowned actors and performers, are interwoven with musical selections to create a powerful and unforgettable evening of inspiration and hope - one that affirms and celebrates the values that we all share.
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LULAC Launches “Freedom Walks For Justice,” Thousands to March, Mobilize, & Register to VoteThe League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), launched “Freedom Walks for Justice” a 3-week campaign to build a stronger, broader coalition of local and national networks across the United States of America to stand up to targeted hate and discrimination. ADL is sponsoring and participating in this national initiative, which will result in Freedom Walks across eight states and fifteen cities to bring diverse communities together to defend our fundamental freedoms through civic engagement and voter registration.
The walk in Washington, DC is scheduled for November 3, and there are walks scheduled for Charlottesville, VA on November 2 and Charlotte, NC on November 1. We hope you will consider participating in these marches to demonstrate our ADL values!
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White Supremacist Group Targets College Campuses Across the Washington, D.C. Region With PropagandaSince September 27, Patriot Front, a white supremacist group, launched a coordinated effort to place white supremacist propaganda on as many college campuses as possible. Twenty-six campuses in Maryland, North Carolina and Virginia were targeted by the group, and ADL is engaging administrators to help them coordinate their responses to these hateful messages. Click the link below to learn more about how ADL's Center on Extremism has been tracking the activities of Patriot Front for some time.
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Hate Symbols, from Hand Gestures to Haircuts, Added to ADL Database
ADL has expanded and updated its online resource of hate symbols to include 36 new entries, including white supremacist symbols adopted in recent years by the alt right segment of the white supremacist movement.
The symbols, including the Dylann Roof Bowlcut, the ”Moon Man,” the “Happy Merchant” and logos for a number of new white supremacist groups have been added to “
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Hate on Display ,” ADL’s longstanding online database that provides explanations for many of the symbols, memes and slogans most frequently used by a variety of white supremacist and other hate groups.
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Winston-Salem Journal Editorial Board Calls Out Racist and Hateful Acts That Have Impacted the Community in Recent WeeksAn editorial published by the Winston-Salem Journal brought further attention to "two recent incidents of hateful threats directed toward minority communities in Winston-Salem serve as reminders that racism and other forms of hatred still poison minds today — and may be backed by physical attacks."
ADL Washington, D.C. Regional Director was quoted commenting on the targeted white supremacist fliering of Temple Emanuel, “Unfortunately, we have seen a very substantial increase of the use of propaganda and literature to create intimidation and fear. In the environment that we are experiencing right now, with incidents of active violence in houses of worship, it is very prudent of the synagogue to have been communicating the facts and for law enforcement to be aware.”
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Regional Director Doron Ezickson Discusses Hate Crimes in Maryland with the Baltimore SunMaryland law enforcement agencies reported 375 hate or bias incidents in 2018 — down about 6% from 398 in 2017.
“While last year saw a slight drop in bias related incidents, the numbers remain alarmingly high," said Doron Ezickson, regional director of the Anti-Defamation League, which has tracked anti-Semitic incidents since 1979." If there is a silver lining in all of this, it is that people are feeling empowered to report when they are victims of or witness to hate, which we must continue to encourage.”
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FBI Investigates and Arrests Members of Atomwaffen Division, a Neo-Nazi OrganizationAn FBI investigation of
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Atomwaffen Division , a neo-Nazi organization, is gaining momentum, with criminal charges filed in recent weeks against two members of its Virginia cell and an active-duty soldier who belongs to an offshoot group.
Arrests include a former Army combat engineer and security guard charged with planning attacks on a synagogue and a bar with a largely LGBT clientele, and the September 21 bust of Jarrett William Smith, 24, an Army soldier stationed in Kansas who is charged with sharing viable bomb-making instructions online and strategizing to attack Beto O’Rourke, CNN’s New York headquarters and Antifa activists.
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Register for Never Is Now!Never Is Now is ADL’s Annual Summit on Anti-Semitism and Hate, taking place on November 21 at the Jacob K. Javits Center in New York City. ADL’s signature annual event is a one day conference focused on understanding contemporary drivers and dynamics of anti-Semitism.
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