CNN is projecting Florida is one of the Senate seats most likely to flip blue.

Apologies for dropping into your inbox again, but I just had to reach out. I just announced I'm running for U.S. Senate to defeat Marco Rubio–and I have some amazing news. CNN is projecting Florida is one of the Senate seats most likely to flip blue.

We have a real chance to win and protect our Democratic Senate majority, but Marco Rubio is already attacking me. And with Mitch McConnell and GOP outside groups likely to pour millions into Florida to prop up Marco Rubio, I need to hit every single grassroots fundraising goal.

So I've got to ask: Will you split a contribution of $15 or more between Seth Moulton and me to help flip Florida blue and defend our Democratic Senate majority? We're falling short of our $50,000 midnight fundraising goal, so every single grassroots donation matters more than ever right now.

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