We are tired of their nonsense!

Dear John,

Joe Manchin and Mitch McConnell are threatening our democracy through their immoral use of a filibuster to deny us voting rights and living wages. We are tired of their nonsense! And we have heard the clarion call to show up and be heard from our leaders in Kentucky and West Virginia.

Today we take to the streets in Washington D.C. for a Moral March on Manchin and McConnell at 1pm ET.

Watch online or participate in person* as we demand a stop to the filibuster and voter suppression, and support the expansion of voting rights for all, infrastructure, and a $15/hr minimum wage.


*The buses are on their way from throughout the region for the in-person March. For those in D.C., please join us at the U.S. Supreme Court at 1pm ET as we stand against voter suppression, the filibuster, and political retrogression. 1 First St NE, Washington, DC 20543


Forward together, not one step back!

Rev. Dr. William Barber and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis

Co-Chairs, Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival