We set a goal to hit 40,000 contributions before next Tuesday’s debate. I want to tell Andrew that we’re on track to hit it -- can you pitch in?
Yang Gang --
I have to say, these debates are tough.
12 candidates, the same types of questions, and no time to dig into the issues that actually matter to everyday people.
Especially when all I want is for Andrew to be given some time to talk about what’s happening in this country.
Amazon is closing stores in communities across America and paying zero dollars in taxes. Healthcare is broken. Families are struggling because the economy is changing and none of the establishment politicians on stage have answers.
We have to be the difference in this equation, team. We have to make a splash so big before the debate that the media and the moderators can’t ignore us. Hitting this goal of 40,000 contributions will do it.
Can you chip in so we can blow this goal out of the water before the debate?
I’m on the road today with Andrew in New Hampshire and I’m pumped to send him an update on our progress.
Zach Graumann
Campaign Manager
Most of our donations come from people like you chipping in small amounts when they can. Your continued generosity helps us keep building this movement.