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25 Days
Hoosiers are voting. This week, early voting opened for municipal races throughout Indiana, and in just 25 days, it’ll be Election Day. And I’m here to tell you how critical these next 25 days will be. 

That’s because over the next 25 days, Hoosiers will pick their candidates in races that don’t get nearly as many headlines as the crazy things that Nancy Pelosi says. But you better believe these races are a whole lot more important. Our mayors and other local elected officials focus on the issues that impact your life daily – supporting local jobs, keeping our neighborhoods safe, paving our roads, supporting quality of life, and so much more. 

So I’m giving you a challenge – over the next 25 days, dedicate some time to helping your friends, family and neighbors learn about your great local Republicans running for office. Tell them about their qualifications, and their plans to help continue Indiana’s incredible momentum. And tell them about early voting options, and where they can get all of the information through the Secretary of State’s Voter Portal
And most importantly, make sure that you get out and vote!
-Chairman Kyle Hupfer

P.S. This week, I wrote an op-ed that ran in the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette talking about why it’s critical that voters in Fort Wayne come together to support Tim Smith to be the city’s next mayor. Check it out here!
Governor Holcomb's Week That Was 
Providing Lasting Impact to Hoosiers!
It’s been another busy week for Governor Holcomb! This included announcing that nearly $100 million will go to communities throughout Indiana as part of the Next Level Roads: Community Crossings Initiative and announcing that the NBA All-Star 2021 Host Committee launched a $1 million legacy initiative for youth-serving nonprofits across Indiana.
  • Governor Holcomb announced that 229 Indiana cities, towns and counties received a combined $99.2 million in state matching funds for local road projects through the Next Level Roads: Community Crossings Initiative. These infrastructure improvements will help improve the quality of life and economic opportunities for Hoosiers in these communities. Click here to see the communities that received this round of awards!
  • Governor Holcomb and the NBA All-Star 2021 Host Committee announced a $1 million legacy initiative focused on youth-serving nonprofit organizations across Indiana as part of the NBA All-Star 2021 Celebration! The initiative will provide grants for 21 brick and mortar improvement projects that focus on health and wellness (eg., indoor/outdoor basketball courts, playgrounds) or education (eg., STEM labs, reading centers)!
 Both of these projects will have a real and lasting impact on Hoosiers throughout the state!  
Just Four Weekends Remaining:
Super Saturdays 2019

Countdown – just four Saturdays until 2019 Election Day, and we need your help to make sure our Republican mayoral, city council and other municipal candidates win. Sign-up now to volunteer for an upcoming Super Saturday!

As part of our upcoming Super Saturdays, we have four opportunities throughout Indiana over the next five weekends for you to volunteer on several down-to-the-wire races where your work could help set our candidates over the top -- making sure that they cross the finish line first.

We need YOU to make all of this possible! This is your chance to be a Republican superhero for our mayoral candidates.
October 12
Lawrence Mayor Steve Collier
October 19
New Albany Mayoral Candidate Mark Seabrook
October 26
Fort Wayne Mayoral Candidate Tim Smith
November 2
State Party HQ Phone Bank
Monday: Team Holcomb Fall Dinner
Last chance! On Monday, we’re excited to welcome three Hoosiers heroes to the stage at our 2019 Team Holcomb Fall Dinner -- Congressmen and combat veterans Jim Baird, Brian Mast and Dan Crenshaw!
If you want to hear from these three Hoosier heroes, this is your last chance to book your tickets!

These heroes have made so many sacrifices in the name of freedom. Of course, we already know Indiana's own Congressman Jim Baird, and you may remember Congressman Crenshaw from when he was unnecessarily mocked on Saturday Night Live, but this trio made national headlines when Congressman Mast's tweet "5 eyes. 5 arms. 4 legs. All American." went viral. 
If you won’t be at the event, keep an eye on Twitter. We’ll be sharing updates on Twitter from the Indiana Republican Party, and you might even see a campaign announcement from Governor Holcomb…stay tuned!

Upcoming Republican Events

October 12: Plymouth Republican City Committee Picnic 
October 14: Team Holcomb Fall Dinner
October 23: Huntington County GOP "Under the Dome"
October 28: Orange County Fall Dinner 
November 1: Brown County Lincoln Day Dinner
November 1: Sullivan County Fall Dinner 
November 5: Election Day
December 6: Greater Indianapolis Republican Women's Club Holiday Luncheon and Silent Auction  

**Have an upcoming Republican event not listed here? Let us know at [email protected]p! **

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb is excited for South Shore Line expansion in Lake County
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch promotes importance of 2020 census
Senator Todd Young calls on NATO to help with Kurds 
Senator Mike Braun speaks at Fenwick Farms Brewing Company
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski announces 'Medicare 101' sessions 
Congressman Jim Banks responds to impeachment inquiry
Congressman Jim Baird highlights awards for Delphi water infrastructure
Congresswoman Susan Brooks supports college completion for low-income students
Congressman Greg Pence visits Midwest Midwest Mole HQ in Greenfield
Congressman Larry Bucshon visits Joink to learn about efforts to increase rural internet
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth helps break ground on new cement plant in Mitchell

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Indiana Republican State Committee, Inc. · 101 W. Ohio St., Suite 2200 · Indianapolis, IN 46204 · USA