Samantha Goldman speaks with Dr. Chanelle Wilson, Associate Professer of Education at Bryn Mawr
Dr. Chanelle Wilson: "Critical race theory is a framework that allows us to understand the systemic and structural racism that exists in the United States. Critical race theory helps us to notice. That's really what it does. It helps us to see and understand anti-racism on the continuum, if you will, is what's pushing us toward action. We have to confront white supremacy. We have to confront the patriarchy. We have to confront religious superiority and different privileges. We have to do that work."
Sam Goldman: "Critical race theory examines the ways in which slavery and white supremacy have shaped every sphere of society in the good old USA, including how the wealth was derived, in large part from slavery; how the institutions such as the police and law, are rooted in slavery. It also explores how modern day segregation flows from the history of KKK terror and segregation, and how white people, just by virtue of being white, have a leg up in this society because of how it's historically developed. These fascists seek to rewrite US history, suppress critical thinking about this country's past and present, silence dissent and scholarship that tells the truth about the history of this nation, and breaks open debate about why white supremacy continues to today, nd what must be done about it."
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