TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; click here for complete and latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; click here to hear today's report
Strathmore Demonstration (IATSE 868): Wed, June 23, 5pm – 7pm 4th level of the Grosvenor Metro Station parking garage (map) RSVP here.
Union City Radio: Your Rights at Work: Thu, June 24, 1pm – 2pm
WPFW 89.3 FM or listen online.
Wages, Benefits, and Fair Pay: 20 Years of DC JWJ: Thu, June 24, 6pm – 8pm
Register here
Arlington Dems Labor Caucus: Thu, June 24, 6pm – 7pm
Union members and community allies in Arlington
Pride at Work (VA): Thu, June 24, 7:15pm – 8:15pm
Labor group in support of LGBTQ+IA rights. Everyone is welcome!
DC statehood: What the people are saying
Here's a selection of tweets during the U.S. Senate's historic hearing yesterday on DC statehood.
“Washington, DC has more residents than Wyoming or Vermont. Its majority Black and Brown residents pay more per-capita in federal taxes than anywhere else in the US. It's ridiculous that they still don’t have full representation in Congress. It's long past time for #DCStatehood.” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., MA)
“The Constitution does not establish any prerequisites for new states, but Congress generally has considered three: population and resources, support for statehood, and commitment to democracy. The state of Washington, D.C. would meet all three.” Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D., DC)
“Prayerfully, I will be the last DC mayor who needs to demand what is our birthright, and what is owed to us as taxpayers—full citizenship and full democracy.” DC Mayor Muriel Bowser
“The 700,000 residents of Washington, D.C. shouldn't be denied their right to fully participate in our democracy. The Senate needs to pass #DCStatehood and finally give the residents of our Nation's Capital a voice in their government.” Senator Patty Murray (D., WA)
“’Power concedes nothing without demand.’ Let’s keep organizing and fighting until we’re the 51st State!” Janeese Lewis George, DC City Council member (Ward 4)
“DC would be the ONLY Black-majority state. Don’t think that doesn’t have something to do with why the Senate has refused to act. #DCStatehood = racial justice.” ShutDownDC
ATU 689 Contributes $10K to CSA Emergency Assistance Fund As the country continues to slowly recover from the pandemic, many local workers are having trouble keeping roofs over their family’s heads and food on the table. "ATU Local 689 understands the struggle that workers face and remains committed to help the Community Services Agency (CSA) and its Emergency Assistance Fund meet the basic needs of our most vulnerable workers," said Local 689 president Raymond Jackson. “CSA is extremely grateful to ATU Local 689 and other locals who have made contributions to the Fund,” said outgoing CSA Executive Director Sonte DuCote. Click here for details on how you can donate.
Today’s Labor Quote: Harry Truman
“Unions exist so that laboring men can bargain with their employers on a basis of equality.”
On this date in 1947, Congress overrode President Harry Truman's veto of the anti-worker Taft-Hartley Act. The law weakened unions and let states exempt themselves from union requirements. Twenty states immediately enacted open shop laws and two more did so later.
Today's Labor History This week’s Labor History Today podcast: Why America’s most radical union shut down ports on Juneteenth. Last week’s show: Debs on capitalism; Dudzic on the Labor Party.
Charles Moyer, president of the Western Federation of Miners, goes to Butte, Mont. in an attempt to mediate a conflict between factions of the miner’s local there. It didn’t go well. Gunfight in the union hall killed one man; Moyer and other union officers left the building, which was then leveled in a dynamite blast - 1914
OSHA issues standard on cotton dust to protect 600,000 workers from byssinosis, also known as "brown lung" - 1978
The newly-formed Jobs With Justice stages its first big support action, backing 3,000 picketing Eastern Airlines mechanics at Miami Airport - 1987
A majority of the 5,000 textile workers at six Fieldcrest Cannon textile plants in Kannapolis, N.C., vote for union representation after an historic 25-year fight - 1999
- David Prosten
Hiring Hall: 68 DC-area union jobs, plus click here for more listings!
Administrative Office Assistant IV – Education and Leadership Training Department, AFSCME, based in Washington, DC [Headquarters] (Posted: 6/17/2021) District of Columbia Office Assistant III – Research and Collective Bargaining Department, AFSCME, based in Washington, DC [Headquarters] (Posted: 5/27/2021) District of Columbia Bookkeeper, AFSCME Council 20, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 5/27/2021) Customer Service Representative – Mail Fulfillment Administration Department, AFSCME, based in Washington, DC [Headquarters] (Posted: 6/10/2021) District of Columbia Front Desk Receptionist, SMW NBF (Sheet Metal Workers’ National Benefit Funds), based in Falls Church, VA (Posted: 6/3/2021) Administrative Support Specialist, UFCW, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 6/22/2021) Junior Clerk Typist – IAMAW Membership Department, based in Upper Marlboro, MD (Posted: 6/9/2021) Maryland Junior Assistant Bookkeeper – IAMAW Accounting Department, based in Upper Marlboro, MD (Posted: 5/27/2021) Bookkeeper, OPEIU2, based in Silver Spring, MD (Posted: 6/11/2021) Front Desk Receptionist, SMW NBF (Sheet Metal Workers’ National Benefit Funds), based in Falls Church, VA (Posted: 6/3/2021)
Communications Executive Communications Specialist – Communications, AFSCME, based in Washington, DC [Headquarters] (Posted: 6/4/2021) District of Columbia Senior Writer/Editor, CWA, based in Washington, DC [Headquarters] (Posted: 6/17/2021) Senior Campaign Communications Coordinator, CWA, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 6/17/2021) Graphic Designer – Development Department, LCV (League of Conservation Voters), based in Washington, DC (position is currently REMOTE) (Posted: 6/11/2021) District of Columbia Director of Institutional Writing and Strategy – Development Department, LCV (League of Conservation Voters Education Fund), based in Washington, DC (currently REMOTE) (Posted: 6/9/2021) Assistant Director of Communications for National Media, SEIU, based in Washington, DC (HQ) (Posted: 6/21/2021) Communication Associate, NVM (New Virginia Majority), based in Richmond or Alexandria, VA (Posted: 6/1/2021) Virginia
Information Tech Network Analyst I – Information Technology, AFSCME, based in Washington, DC [Headquarters] (Posted: 6/10/2021) District of Columbia PAC Database Analyst – Data & Analytics Department, AFSCME, based in Washington, DC [Headquarters] (Posted: 6/4/2021) District of Columbia Senior Strategist II – Data & Analytics Department, AFSCME, based in Washington, DC [Headquarters] (Posted: 5/28/2021) District of Columbia Analytics Manager – Data & Analytics Department, AFSCME, based in Washington, DC [Headquarters] (Posted: 5/28/2021) District of Columbia Data and Compliance Manager, NVM (New Virginia Majority), based in Richmond or Northern Virginia (Posted: 6/1/2021) Virginia Digital Organizer, NVM (New Virginia Majority), based in Richmond, Norfolk or Northern VA (Posted: 6/1/2021) Virginia
Legal (NVAC) Staff Counsel – General Counsel’s Office, AFGE, based in Washington D.C. (temporarily REMOTE) (Posted: 6/14/2021) Civil Rights Law Fellow, NEA (National Education Association), based in Washington, DC (position open until filled) (Posted: 5/25/2021) Staff Attorney, UMWA, based in Triangle, VA (in the Washington, DC metro area) (Posted: 6/3/2021)
Misc Client Engagement Director, ACM Strategies, based in Washington, DC (position is currently REMOTE) (Posted: 6/16/2021) Program Specialist, AFGE, based in Washington, DC [Headquarters] (Posted: 6/22/2021) Temporary Special Projects Administrator – Membership and Organizing Department, AFGE, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 6/8/2021) Assistant People Coordinator, AFSCME, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 6/22/2021) District of Columbia Human Resources Associate I – Human Resources, AFSCME, based in Washington, DC [Headquarters] (Posted: 5/27/2021) District of Columbia Business Representative, AGMA, positions available in Los Angeles, CA metro area: Washington, DC metro area; and New York City, NY metro area (Posted: 6/16/2021) Human Resources Generalist, IOMMP (International Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots), based in Linthicum Heights, MD (Posted: 6/14/2021) Safety and Technology Administrator, NATCA (National Air Traffic Controllers Association), based in Washington, DC (Posted: 6/3/2021) Union Staff, NNU (Posted: 6/1/2021) Senior Environmental Justice Coordinator, SEIU, location flexible (Remote or Washington, DC/HQ) (Posted: 6/21/2021) Field Representative, SEIU 32BJ, for covering Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia (Posted: 6/17/2021) Deputy Director for Policy, SEIU 32BJ, based in Washington, DC or New York City (Posted: 6/2/2021) Membership and Skills Video, SMART Journey level and Apprenticeship opportunities (Posted: 6/1/2021) Human Resources Associate – Payroll, Solidarity Center, based in Washington, DC [Headquarters] (Posted: 5/25/2021) Director of Development & Strategic Partnerships, WRC (Worker Rights Consortium), based in Washington, DC (Posted: 6/10/2021) Labor Climate Organizer, Labor Network for Sustainability, will have a partial Maryland/DMV focus (this is a remote position as LNS is a remote workplace) (Posted: 6/4/2021) Business Representative (Washington-Mid Atlantic Local), SAG-AFTRA, based in Bethesda, MD (Posted: 6/14/2021) Aviation Safety Staff Engineer – Design, Certification, and Operations, ALPA, based in Tysons, VA (Posted: 5/25/2021) Aviation Security Specialist, ALPA, based in Tysons, VA (Posted: 5/25/2021) West Virginia Labor Representative, CNA/NNOC, for covering West Virginia (Posted: 6/1/2021) Membership Specialist / Admin Assistant, NFT (Norfolk Federation of Teachers, AFT Local 4261), based in Norfolk, VA (Posted: 6/11/2021) Regional Field Director, NVM (New Virginia Majority), based in Virginia Beach, Richmond, Northern Virginia (Posted: 6/1/2021) Virginia Asian American Pacific Islander Civic Engagement Collaborative (ACE) Executive Director, NVM (New Virginia Majority), based in Alexandria, VA (Posted: 6/1/2021) Virginia UniServ Director – Territory 7-9 (Fairfax), VEA (Virginia Education Association)based in Fairfax, VA (Posted: 6/11/2021) Virginia UniServ Director – Territory 10 (Arlington), VEA (Virginia Education Association), based in Arlington, VA (Posted: 6/8/2021) Virginia Director of Human and Civil Rights, VEA (Virginia Education Association), based in Richmond, VA (Posted: 6/8/2021) Virginia
Organizing Temporary National Organizer – Membership and Organizing, AFGE, National Vacancies (Posted: 5/26/2021) Organizing Development & Recruitment Coordinator – Organizing & Field Services Department, AFSCME, based in Washington, DC [Headquarters] (Posted: 6/22/2021) District of Columbia National Representative I-IV – AFT Organization & Field Services Department, AFT National Representatives work throughout the country (Posted: 6/1/2021) Organizer, Jobs with Justice, based in Washington, DC (may be worked from anywhere in the United States) (Posted: 6/3/2021) Union Organizers – AFT Virginia, based in Norfolk and Hampton, VA (Posted: 5/26/2021) Organizer, LIUNA-MAROC, based in Richmond, VA (Posted: 6/18/2021) Community Organizer – Criminal Justice and Right to Vote Campaigns, NVM (New Virginia Majority), based in Richmond, VA (Posted: 6/2/2021) Virginia Community Organizer, NVM (New Virginia Majority), based in Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA (Posted: 6/1/2021) Virginia Lead Community Organizer – Criminal Justice Campaign, NVM (New Virginia Majority), based in Richmond, VA (Posted: 6/1/2021) Virginia Deputy Organizing Director, NVM (New Virginia Majority), based in Richmond, Hampton Roads, or Northern VA (preference for Richmond and Hampton Roads) (Posted: 6/1/2021) Virginia
Home Care Organizer (multiple positions), SEIU (SEIU Virginia 512), based in Virginia (Posted: 6/2/2021) Organizers (2) for Reclaim Rent Control and Worker Solidarity and Just Pay Coalition campaigns, DC Jobs with Justice. See the full job description here. (6/22)
Political Government Affairs Associate, LCV (League of Conservation Voters), based in Washington, DC (position is currently REMOTE) (Posted: 5/27/2021) District of Columbia Senior Political and Legislative Representative, NATCA (National Air Traffic Controllers Association), based in Washington, DC (Posted: 6/11/2021)
Research Senior Strategic Researcher – Economic Power and Growth Hub, AFL-CIO (Posted: 5/27/2021) Strategic Researchers and Organizers, AFL-CIO (Posted: 7/29/2020) Research Analyst, Good Jobs First, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 6/8/2021)
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source for all news items and as the source for Today’s Labor History.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members. DYANA FORESTER, PRESIDENT.
Story suggestions, event announcements, campaign reports, Letters to the Editor and other material are welcome, subject to editing for clarity and space; just click on the mail icon below. You can also reach us on Facebook and Twitter by clicking on those icons.