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Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021

Privatize the Police

Murray N. Rothbard

What Are You Going To Do When America Goes to Hell?

Bill Sardi

DEI and Sports

Larry L. Beane

Why Aren’t There More Free Market Surgery Centers and Clinics?

G. Keith Smith, MD

San Benito County, California, May Lead the Nation in Stopping Health Mandates

Allan Stevo

Not All Affirmative Action Is Bad

Laurence M. Vance

Athlete Who Recovered From Covid Facing ‘Very Different Future’ After Second Dose of Pfizer Vaccine Triggers Myocarditis

Megan Redshaw

They’ve Done This Before: Five Past Cases of FBI Incitement

Revolver News

Interviewing the Dead Albert Einstein About Free Will

Jon Rappoport

What To Conserve

Bionic Mosquito

Fact Checkers & Big Tech Censorship Are Tearing Society Apart

Joe Martino

Media Continue Fake News Campaign Against Mercola

Dr. Joseph Mercola

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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