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Greta Thunberg, on behalf of the Global Climate Strike movement, was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize!

While Greta did not win the prize, this moment is still a significant acknowledgement of how much momentum we’ve built together as a movement. We want to extend our congratulations to Greta and youth leaders like Feliquan Charlemagne, Alexandria Villasenor, Haven Coleman, Vic Barrett, Isra Hirsi, Xiye Bastida, Nadia Nazar and all of the others who’ve built the Climate Strike movement here in the US. 

But we don’t do this work for prizes. This is a real fight for our future against the injustice of the climate crisis; the stakes simply couldn’t be higher. We are here to keep fossil fuels in the ground, and transform our societies to 100% renewable energy just like science and justice demand.

We are determined to keep the momentum going. The Climate Strike was a spectacular achievement, and now it’s time to build on the people power in the streets to make a difference in the fight for climate justice. 

What happens next is up to us. Are you willing to use your power to keep up the pressure? Join a local 350 group near you to start organizing your own community — or start your own.

We must stop the expansion of the fossil fuel industry immediately. Not a single new mine can be dug. Not another pipeline built. Not one more emitting powerplant fired up.

The way to do that is by bringing the fight for climate justice home to where we live — which likely involves supporting the ongoing efforts of Black, Indigenous, and other activists of color on the frontlines. Working together across our cities, towns and states, we can implement equitable solutions to the climate crisis right in our backyards while building towards the sweeping, unprecedented transformation science and justice demand.

The only force powerful enough to achieve just solutions to the climate crisis is people power — and it’s up to all of us to build that power together.  

Join us in building a more just and sustainable world. Sign up here to join a local 350 group where you live, or start your own. 


Ju-Hyun is a global movement that fights for a just and equitable world by stopping the fossil fuel industry from continuing to destroy our climate.
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