Hi John,
My name is Jerry Dickinson. I am a father, husband, community advocate, and I’m running to be the first Black person elected to Congress from Western Pennsylvania.
I entered this race because I believe, with my whole heart, that we can do better.
The problems we face are big—massive and widening economic inequality, a global climate crisis, deep racial divisions, and a woefully inadequate health care system. I could go on, but I’m not in this race to just talk about our problems. I’m in this race because it’s long past time that we start talking about our solutions.
We deserve a Congress that will put the full weight of the federal government behind efforts that address decades of failed policies and practices. And my district, Pennsylvania’s 18th, is solidly blue, John—there’s no reason we can’t be leading this fight.
But I’m going up against a 26-year, middle-of-the-road incumbent who’s been backed by fossil fuel and corporate PAC money. So if we want a chance at giving the people of PA-18—and the rest of the country—bolder, more progressive solutions, then we need to build this team now.
That’s why today I’m asking you to add your name and join us in this fight to bring new leadership to PA-18.

My pathway into politics is not typical. I grew up in a multi-racial foster home—adopted by two incredible parents with 10 other foster kids. We all came from backgrounds of abandonment and neglect, and through the years I’ve stood by them as they’ve struggled with their burdens and navigated our broken systems.
It’s that very experience that’s led me to where I am now, running for Congress. I wake up every morning thinking about my siblings and the millions of Americans like them who have to fight, tooth and nail, every day just to get by.
It doesn’t have to be like this. The greatness we aspire to is right there within our grasp. We can do things like cancel student debt, demilitarize the police, and pass Medicare for All and a Green New Deal—we just need more leaders who are bold enough to fight for these causes.
I want to be clear from the start, we’re here to run a campaign of ideas—not ideologies. We’re running a campaign that brings people together and empowers those who have been left behind.
I can’t wait to get out there and start laying out my vision of bold progressive leadership and what I know we can accomplish. But for now, I just need to know that you’re with me. John, please add your name to join this team right now. We’re building a new movement, and I want you onboard from the start.
Jerry Dickinson via LeftNet