This Bloomberg News report just made my heart sink, John:

"Less than 25% of the population is fully vaccinated in at least 482 U.S. counties, including in states with some of the highest overall vaccination rates."

The idea of prolonging this pandemic a second longer breaks my heart and makes me worried for my family's safety, and I'm sure you feel the same––but here's the great news: we know that our best weapon against this pandemic is vaccination, and we at OP are working tirelessly to get more shots in more arms across America.

We've reached a critical moment in our efforts to vaccinate America, and it's time for us to get creative and reach people where they are: on their phones. It's time to expand our Let's Protect work to send more texts to more Americans, so that they & their families are vaccinated & protected.

To do that, we need your help. Can you chip in today to help us expand Let's Protect to more states across the country?
Chip in to help us expand "Let's Protect" & vaccinate more Americans »
I'm so proud of our entire Open Progress team for the tireless work they've put into Let's Protect. Each day, I hear about more opportunities for partnerships in states across the country––states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, my home state of Virginia, & more.

Here's the reality, though: to expand this program, we need folks to chip in whatever they can. Even $5 monthly makes a huge difference for us. I'm asking from the bottom of my heart: can you make a donation today, John?
Donate to "Let's Protect" today »
With your help, I know that we can do incredible things and protect more of our fellow Americans. With your help, this pandemic won't be prolonged––this long, painful chapter in all of our lives will come to a close.

I'm counting on you––and as always, I'm grateful for you!

Thanks, my friend,
Jamie Clayton
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