From Denise Merrill <[email protected]>
Subject John, will you sign this petition to protect voting?
Date June 22, 2021 7:52 PM
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John, the U.S. Senate
is getting ready to vote on a critically important piece of
legislation — the For the People Act.

Please let me explain why passing this bill is so important, then
click here to sign the Connecticut Democratic Party’s petition to
urge the U.S. Senate to protect voting rights today by passing
the For the People Act.
( [link removed] )

As you may know, Republicans are currently working to suppress
voting rights across the United States.

They’ve introduced voter suppression bills in 48 states, and this
year laws have already been passed in battleground states like
Georgia and Florida that will make it harder to vote in upcoming

Right now, the U.S. Senate has a chance to virtually nullify this
voter suppression campaign by following the U.S. House’s lead in
passing the For the People Act.

This bill would automatically register voters and make it
significantly easier for millions of Americans to vote by
guaranteeing early voting and mail-in voting.

It would also ban partisan federal gerrymandering, limit the role
of big money in the political process by establishing public
financing of campaigns, and prevent corruption by creating a new
standard of ethics for lawmakers.

John, your vote is
your voice, and expanding access to voting should not be a
controversial idea. Before the Senate votes, please join me in
urging them to pass the For the People Act by signing the CT
Democratic Party’s petition here:
( [link removed] )

Add Your Name ( [link removed] )

Here in Connecticut we already have a publicly financed election
program, and this year the CT General Assembly took the next
steps toward implementing permanent no-excuse absentee voting and
early voting in our state — both of which are on track to
becoming ballot questions for CT voters to decide on in upcoming

Unfortunately, Connecticut Republicans stalled our absentee
ballot initiative until 2024 at the earliest — they’re doing
exactly what the GOP is doing across the country: standing in the
way of your right to vote.

The GOP’s anti-voting rights stance is dangerous, and we need the
Senate to take decisive action this week to protect American

John, please take a
moment to sign your name here to urge the U.S. Senate to pass the
For the People Act — Connecticut Democrats will continue fighting
to protect and expand your right to vote, now we need to ensure
that everyone’s rights are protected.
( [link removed] )

Add Your Name ( [link removed] )

Thank you for standing up for voting rights,

Denise Merrill

Connecticut Secretary of the State
CT Democratic Party
30 Arbor Street #106A
Hartford, CT 06106
United States
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