UPDATE: Moments ago, Sen. Joe Manchin announced that he will vote to begin debate on protecting democracy when the Senate votes later this evening.

That sets up all 50 Democrats to stand united in a commitment to protect our democracy -- inaction is not an option.

But Republicans are expected to block the debate and require 60 votes by using the filibuster.

(In the name of "unlimited debate" -- which is what the filibuster is supposedly about -- Republicans will block the starting of debate.)

Until the vote actually happens after 5pm Eastern, please call your senators -- no matter who they are. All senators need to hear volume TODAY to increase pressure on Republicans.

Then, join the grassroots army fighting to ELIMINATE THE FILIBUSTER so we can defeat Mitch McConnell's obstruction and protect democracy with a simple majority.

Today's vote is just the beginning of the fight. As we've worked for months on this issue, we and allies have assumed Republicans would obstruct.

The next month will be intense as we urge Democrats to reform the filibuster. Your activism today kicks off a big month ahead, and we'll keep you informed of developments throughout. Please pass to others as well.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The Progressive Change Campaign Committee team (@BoldProgressive)




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