PLF clients invited to watch President sign executive orders, bringing accountability to federal agencies

Over the years, many PLF clients have encountered governmental abuse under the cover of federal rules that never properly went on the books. On Wednesday, President Donald Trump signed two executive orders that address the misuse of a practice known as agency “guidance”—one way that agencies regulate without actually issuing rules.

The new orders aim to end this practice by requiring agencies to solicit public input on major guidance documents and by prohibiting agencies from threatening Americans with excessive fines based on mere guidance.

On hand for the signing ceremony were Andy Johnson, who faced a $20 million fine from the EPA for building a stock pond on his Wyoming property, and Richard Schok, an Alaska businessman who spent years fighting the EPA’s permafrost rules simply because he wanted to expand his growing company.

During the ceremony, the President cordially invited both gentlemen to say a few words about their ordeals and why the executive orders are an important step in the monumental battle to rein in the runaway regulatory state.

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The Daily Caller: Don’t expect diversity of thought at the University of California

The University of California, Davis, advertises itself as a place “to freely hear, express, and debate different ideas and points of view.”

But Daniel Ortner tells us that as this new semester progresses, students may begin to wonder why every professor seems to be teaching from the same ideological textbook.

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The Hill: What to watch for in the new Supreme Court session

If you care about property rights, the environment, and the First Amendment, then pay attention to the upcoming Supreme Court term.

In his op-ed, PLF Vice President of Legal Affairs Jim Burling has a quick checklist of cases to watch.

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