Dear John,
Animal circuses are back out on the road and animals are suffering. Please take action against this circus today!
TAKE ACTION: www.freedomforanimals.org.uk/tell-great-gonerby-memorial-hall-say-no-to-animal-circuses
Circus Mondao, is performing at Great Gonerby Memorial Hall near Grantham between 23rd and 27th June 2021. They will be using live animals in their shows!
Despite circuses now being banned from using wild animals in their displays, animals classed as 'domestic' continue to be exploited in circus shows.
Horses, ponies, donkeys, doves; all are forced to perform tricks in a number of circuses throughout the UK and Ireland. In such shows, horses are forced to carry numerous people on their backs and rear up on their hind legs. Animals do not choose to perform these tricks - they perform them from fear.
Please contact the hall to ask them to choose compassion and not allow animal circuses on their land!