John, today marks a turning point in our fight to pass the For the People Act -- and to transform our democracy into one where every one of us counts.
We anticipate that the U.S. Senate will vote this afternoon on whether to end a filibuster to advance the bill to a full floor debate.
We’ve only made it as far as we have -- passing the For the People Act
through the House back in March and working through Senate committees --
thanks to your efforts.
Today’s vote is a step in the right direction, even though Mitch McConnell’s Senate minority has already pledged to filibuster this bill. That’s why today, we are kicking off a summer-long mobilization for our democracy.
It’s clear that failure simply is not an option. We’ve already seen hundreds of anti-voter bills introduced in state legislatures across the country -- and passing a big, bold, and comprehensive For the People Act (alongside the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act) is our best chance to stop them.
Here are four things you can do right now to help make that a success:
Call your senators right now at 1-833-497-4273 -- no matter what state you live in, and whether your senators are for, against, or undecided on the bill, it will make a difference. We are anticipating a major push by our anti-democracy opponents, which means all 100 senators need to hear loud and clear that their constituents support this bill. After you make your call, use this page to let us know how it went >>
Then, join us at 8:30 p.m. Eastern tomorrow for a special online briefing with me and other Common Cause leaders -- where we'll answer your questions, report the latest updates from Capitol Hill, and share how you can help make a difference. RSVP now to reserve your spot >>
Can you commit two hours of your time this week to call voters? This is the single most impactful thing you can do right now -- every shift generates dozens of phone calls to key swing senators that we will need to convince to pass the For the People Act through McConnell’s filibuster. Find a day that works for you here to get started >>
Join an event in your community. We're organizing events all across the country during recess -- and we need everyone who can safely attend in-person events out in full force. Sign on now and pledge to attend one in your area >>
I’ve met with key Senate offices every week throughout this campaign -- and I’m glad to report that we are making real, forward progress. I’m encouraged to see Sen. Joe Manchin and others getting engaged in the policy specifics and showing openness to taking action.
That’s a testament to the work that Common Cause members like you have been doing -- and the work that we’ll need to continue doing in order to win this once-in-a-generation battle for the future of our democracy.
In the coming days and weeks, I’ll be in touch about how you can participate in our summer of mobilization -- and take action in your community to help pass the For the People Act.
Thanks for all you do,
Karen Hobert Flynn, President
and the team at Common Cause