Hi Friend,
Please join us in a Week of Action to End the Global Gag Rule forever.
President Biden lifted the odious Global Gag Rule in January, but the threat of its return in the future leaves people around the world in a kind of health care limbo. That’s why it’s crucial that Congress pass the Global Health, Empowerment and Rights (HER) Act this year. And it’s essential that members of Congress hear from you now.
The harm of the Global Gag Rule is deep and far reaching. It builds a barrier to family planning and other critical health care to those who desperately need it.
This week, we're working alongside many other organizations to engage senators and representatives to let them hear our unequivocal support for the Global HER Act, and that we need them to do whatever it takes to pass this landmark legislation, this year.
This week will feature:
National Volunteer Call Tuesday: Please join us for a call focused on the terrible impact of the Global Gag Rule, and how we can all work together to pass the Global HER Act ASAP.
Werk the Phones Wednesday: Call your senators and representatives and ask them to push to get the Global HER Act passed today.
Tik Tok Thursday: Join our energetic youth activists as they share videos via Tik Tok to urge their elected officials to support reproductive health and rights for everyone, everywhere.
Feature Friday with #Fight4HER: Check out our Twitter and Instagram to learn about the powerful advocates working to end harmful restrictions to reproductive health care, and to ensure comprehensive reproductive health care-including safe abortion-for all.
You have stood with for every minute of our fight against the Global Gag Rule, and now we need you to stand by us as we finish this fight.
Thanks, as always, for your support, and we look forward to raising our voices together with you throughout the week.

Rebecca Harrington
Sr. Director of Advocacy and Outreach