The U.S. Senate will take a key vote on the For the People Act TODAY.
But with just HOURS to go, our sources in Washington are still not sure whether Joe Manchin will help save our democracy, or stall it.
The Senator’s team will be taking calls right up until the vote, waiting to hear what the American people think about this bill before coming to a decision. So take two minutes right now to pick up the phone and demand Senator Manchin pass the For the People Act.

More than 400 anti-voter bills have been introduced in 2021 – if passed, they would restrict voting access for 1 in 3 Americans. Democracy itself is in peril, and the For the People Act is the only sure-fire way we have right now to save it.
The For the People Act would stop these anti-voter bills in their tracks, stop billionaires from buying our elections, and end gerrymandering.

Just last week, Senator Manchin softened his opposition to the bill and produced a long list of provisions he supports in the For the People Act. Our pressure is working, but now we need to double down and push the Senator to a full YES.
Obstructionists in the Senate may filibuster this bill, preventing it from even getting a vote. If that happens, we have to show Senator Manchin that he cannot hide behind politicians who are attacking our right to vote.
Will you take 2 minutes right now to call Senator Manchin’s office and demand he pass the For the People Act? Tell the Senator to put the good of our country ahead of his own political calculations and pass this bill before our democracy crumbles.
Let’s do this thing,
Jen Johnson Movement Director RepresentUs