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Dear Responsible Statecraft readers,

We are very excited to be launching a new weekly newsletter with the best of our foreign policy and national security news and analysis, highlighting Quincy Institute staff and outside expert contributors to our dynamic online magazine.

Many of you will recognize former LobeLog regular contributors, including Eli Clifton, Paul Pillar, Shireen Hunter, Eldar Mamedov, Trita Parsi, Ben Armbruster, Emile Nakhleh, William Hartung, Giorgio Cafiero, James Dorsey, Mitchell Plitnick, among many others. They have found a place at RS for their indispensable analyses of the Greater Middle East, the influence of neoconservatives and foreign-funded lobbyists on U.S. foreign policy, the persistent militarization of U.S. policy more generally, and the shortcomings of mainstream media coverage of international affairs. 

QI and RS have also expanded LobeLog’s focus on the Greater Middle East to include broader geostrategic issues, notably Washington’s increasingly confrontational stance toward China and Russia, its relationships with North and South Korea, and the Biden administration’s efforts to renew closer relations with its NATO allies in Europe.

So please enjoy our updates and check in with regularly — you never know what we will be posting there next.

Best regards,

Jim Lobe

Sr. Advisor and Contributing Editor, Responsible Statecraft

Jordan’s King Abdullah, feeling the squeeze from within — and without

By Rosalie Rubio on Jun 21, 2021 03:28 am

A royal crisis exposes tensions over the Palestinian issue, and pressure to normalize relations with Israel.
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The Biden-Putin Summit: How bad is “normal”?

By Anatol Lieven on Jun 18, 2021 11:57 am

On a host of issues, especially Ukraine, Biden kicked the can down the road. Let's hope it's not a grenade that'll explode in our faces.
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Bacevich: Get out of NATO, shut down combatant commands

By Daniel Larison on Jun 18, 2021 03:20 am

In his new book, the long time US foreign policy critic says some radical approaches are in order, 'After the Apocalypse.'
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Why we need a ‘Green BRAC’

By Nick Cleveland-Stout on Jun 18, 2021 03:02 am

There are a lot of great ideas for cleaning up and repurposing old military bases in the US -- the Pentagon just needs a little push.
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US hawks pushed hardline presidential candidate in Iran

By Ryan Costello on Jun 18, 2021 03:00 am

Ebrahim Raisi won Friday's low turnout election; American regime change proponents have been cheering him for years.
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Daniel Ortega: from revolutionary to absolute overlord

By Stephen Kinzer on Jun 16, 2021 03:06 am

The 17-year Nicaraguan president is now jailing his election opposition and rivals, many of them fellow ex-Sandinistas, now in their 70s.
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