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Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021

The Road to Authoritarianism Is Paved With Fiat Currency

Ron Paul, MD

Capitalism Isn’t a Modern Invention. It’s Medieval.

David Gordon

Thinking Out Loud

James Howard Kunstler

Is the Danger Covid or the Vaccine?

Paul Craig Roberts

Are We Stuck With Biden?

Paul Gottfried

An Upside of the Lockdowns

Eric Peters

Please! Someone Set Biden Straight on China ‘Squeezing’ Russia

Ray McGovern

Will Bishops Deny Biden Communion?

Patrick J. Buchanan

Slave Stories History ‘Forgot. Black People Owned Slaves, Too

Kevin Downey, Jr.

Covid: Three Men Who Own Corporate America

Jon Rappoport

The Flying Pangolin

Andreas Canneti

Inventor of mRNA Interviewed About Injection Dangers

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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