Dear Judicial Watch Member,
Will you support Judicial Watch today by making a
tax-deductible donation right now?
Judicial Watch is your indispensable,
independent watchdog in Washington and we are currently in court on a host
of critical battlefronts including:
- Exposing the unlawful Deep State
conspiracy to drive President Trump from office;
- Challenging states across the country
over failures to clean their voting lists (we won an historic success in
California earlier this year);
- Fighting to end San Francisco’s deadly
sanctuary policy (we are scheduled to go to trial in February);
- Successfully demanding accountability
from Hillary Clinton for her crimes through court-ordered discovery.
We are fighting doggedly and persistently
for you, for the rule of law and for the American people’s right to
Your support is what makes it all possible. But to help us keep pushing on all fronts I ask you to
make your best donation to Judicial Watch today. We can’t do
it without you.
Thomas Fitton
Judicial Watch, Inc.
425 Third Street SW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20024 |
©2019, All Rights Reserved
Judicial Watch is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions
are received from individuals, foundations, and corporations and are
tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.