Hello —

Thanks to folks like you, we flipped Colorado’s Senate seat last year and secured a Democratic majority in Washington. Now, we have to work twice as hard to keep it.

That’s why I’m doing everything I can to help my friend, Michael Bennet, win re-election here in Colorado. Super PACs have already started attacking him!

Michael might not be as good a banjo player as me, but he plays a mean cowbell.

Can you chip in a few bucks to help him win this rough race so we can keep our band together, and more importantly — protect our Senate majority?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation between John Hickenlooper and Michael Bennet will go through immediately:

Senate Republicans have already raised $40 million so far to attack vulnerable Democrats in the hopes of regaining power in Washington. We cannot let them flip Colorado red.

