Anti-Government Activist Bundy Issues Idaho Campaign Videos
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ABC News
June 21, 2021
Anti-government activist Ammon Bundy on Saturday came out with his first videos announcing his campaign to become governor of Idaho.

"I'm running for governor because I'm sick and tired of all of this political garbage just like you are," Bundy said in a nearly three-minute video on his campaign website. "I'm tired of our freedoms being taken from us, and I'm tired of the corruption that is rampant in our state government."

Bundy said he wants to defend Idaho from President "Joe Biden and those in the Deep State that control him" because they "are going to try to take away our gun rights, freedom of religion, parental rights, and more — and further violate the Constitution in unimaginable ways — even more than they've already done."

Order Klayman’s It Takes a Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry!
How to wage a peaceful revolution to restore rule of law, ethics, and morality to the nation
With a title that satirically mocks Hillary Clinton, this book details how our executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government have become thoroughly corrupt and failed the citizenry. This work is a call to arms during these times of crises, when government corruption has hit a “cancerous state.” The overriding message is that Americans should turn off cable news, get up off of the couch, and join the second American Revolution to restore the greatness of our nation in these perilous times.
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