Wilson in the News
Turkey's Offensive in Syria Continues (WBUR)
“The Turkish border has always been porous to ISIS,” says Wilson Center Director & CEO Jane Harman. “And now we have increased, I think, the likelihood of ISIS attacks in Europe, and maybe, through Europe to us.”
Looking at Facial Recognition Software Through a Wide-Angle Lens (JETLaw)
Stuart Brotman writes that any legislation on facial recognition technology “should encompass a full range of activities involved in capturing, storing, and sharing biometric information.”
China Vs. The NBA: On Houston Rockets GM's Pro-Hong Kong Tweet (WBUR)
What distinguishes the NBA controversy with China, says Rui Zhong, is that it’s “not just the company involved, but also a wider community that started to talk about this topic, or omit talking about this topic.”