FNUSA Celebrates Pride Month
To celebrate Pride Month, we are bringing you a three-part Facebook Live series to explore the intersections of human trafficking and the LGBTQIA+ community. This population is especially vulnerable to trafficking and faces many challenges in navigating support services. Join FNUSA staff and experts from across the US to learn more about legal services, housing needs, and leadership development for the LGBTQIA+ community. Visit our Facebook page on the following dates to join the discussion.
June 28th @ 2:00-2:15 EST
June 29th @ 2:00-2:15 EST
June 30th @ 3:00-3:15 EST
New Survivor Advocate Project Fund
Freedom Network USA is proud to announce our new Advocate Project Fund. This fund will provide stipends to survivor members of FNUSA to work on their own projects addressing human trafficking. Survivors will be able to create their own initiatives, informed by their real-life experiences, to ensure that all trafficking survivors have access to justice, safety, and opportunity. Help support the fund today!
FNUSA's Advocacy Day Recap
Our bi-annual Advocacy Day took place virtually this year and was a great success! FNUSA members and staff spoke with Congressional staff to educate them on human trafficking and discuss the reauthorization of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act. In total, we had 22 meetings with members of the House and Senate. We look forward to continued work with lawmakers to support human trafficking survivors.
Accessing Emergency Housing Vouchers
As eviction moratoriums are lifting nationwide, many trafficking survivors are in a precarious situation and in danger of losing their housing. The recently passed American Rescue Plan Act includes $5 billion dollars for rental assistance to be administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. To help service providers navigate the system, FNTI's Housing Project hosted a webinar and released a fact sheet outlining how trafficking survivors can access the Emergency Housing Vouchers. Check them out below.
Intersection of Substance Use & Housing Training
Join us for the Housing Project's next webinar on the Intersection of Substance Use & Housing training on July 15th at 3pm EST. This is a continuation of our April webinar and will focus on serving survivors who identify as parents or guardians. Speakers from the Eastern Panhandle Empowerment Center and the National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma, and Mental Health will discuss best practices in serving parent survivors while maintaining a trauma-informed, person-centered, and voluntary services housing model.
There are only a few pillowcases left in our Buy One, Give One campaign with HarperSage! For every Thrive Pillowcase purchased, one will be donated to a human trafficking survivor. Visit their site to learn more and purchase one today!
The Foster Care System and Human Trafficking
May was National Foster Care Month and we dove deeper into the intersection of foster care and human trafficking. The child welfare system is deeply flawed and these youth are especially vulnerable to exploitation.