October 11, 2019
Latest columns

October 11, 2019
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? On August 12, Callan Stone submitted to the Utah Supreme Court a formal Reply to Respondent's opposition to his Petition for a Writ of Certiorari... (more)

October 10, 2019
JERRY NEWCOMBE ? An atheist group has filed a complaint against a judge in Dallas, Texas, who supposedly violated their understanding of church and state relations. The black judge (Tammy Kemp) presided over the racially-charged trial of the white ex-police officer (Amber Guyger) who was sentenced last week to prison for ten years because she shot and killed an innocent black man (Botham Jean). Guyger thought Jean had broken into her apartment. It turns out she mistakenly was in his apartment.... (more)

October 10, 2019
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON ? What do the Kavanaugh hearings, Jussie Smollett, the Covington kids, the Mueller investigation, and now the Trump phone call all have in common? Staged melodrama, media collusion hysteria, progressive demands that justice be served immediately, promises of walls-are-closing-in blockbuster revelations from new witnesses, supposed surprise revelatory documents, fusions between Democratic politicians and Washington bureaucrats -- and then bust, nada, and teeth-gnashing as the truth catches up to various rumor-mongers.... (more)

October 10, 2019
YOUTUBE ? John Solomon DROPS BOMB: Info Omitted from Whistleblower Report - Ukraine was Re-Opening Probe into Hunter Biden's Company in February... (more)

October 10, 2019
Wants Nancy Pelosi to 'stop now before she destroys the country'
WORLDNETDAILY ? U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., charges House Democrats are on the verge of destroying America with their campaign to impeach President Trump over what the White House contends was a routine phone call with a foreign leader.... (more)

October 10, 2019
WASHINGTON EXAMINER ? The federal prosecutor running the Justice Department's review of the origins of the Russia investigation has expanded the inquiry that critics have panned as an effort to discredit special counsel Robert Mueller's work.... (more)

October 10, 2019
WASHINGTON EXAMINER ? Rep. Devin Nunes said lawmakers have been told about "strange requests" to use government resources to monitor journalists. The top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee stressed Wednesday evening that he has not confirmed the allegations but is seeking answers from the State Department.... (more)

October 10, 2019
EDDIE SCARRY ? President Trump says he's serious about fighting the House Democrats' impeachment sham. If so, there's only one thing he needs to do right now: devote every resource to outing the whistleblower.... (more)

October 10, 2019
WASHINGTON EXAMINER ? Police found additional fetal remains in the trunk of a car parked on an Illinois lot owned by the late Indiana abortion doctor who was already discovered to have collected more than 2,245 parts of fetuses in his garage.... (more)

October 9, 2019
WASHINGTON EXAMINER ? The American Federation of Teachers has lost 76,000 members over the last year, a 4% decline for the now-1.7 million member union, one of the largest covering public sector workers. The decline has translated to $18 million loss in dues revenue for the union.... (more)

October 9, 2019
FOX NEWS ? The White House outlined in a defiant eight-page letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and top Democrats on Tuesday why it will not participate in their "illegitimate and unconstitutional" impeachment inquiry, charging that the proceedings have run roughshod over congressional norms and the president's due-process rights.... (more)

October 9, 2019
WASHINGTON EXAMINER ? In an Aug. 26 letter, the Intelligence Community's inspector general, Michael Atkinson, wrote that the anonymous whistleblower who set off the Trump-Ukraine impeachment fight showed "some indicia of an arguable political bias...in favor of a rival political candidate."... (more)

October 7, 2019
FOX 10 PHOENIX ? Former Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy has been tapped to serve as outside counsel to President Donald Trump as the House impeachment inquiry expands. That's according to an administration official who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal legal matters.... (more)

October 7, 2019
BYRON YORK ? There have so far been two hearings in the House Democrats' effort to impeach President Trump over the Ukraine matter. Both have been held in secret. One was Thursday, the other Friday, and the public does not know what was said in either. Two more are scheduled for this week, and they will be held behind closed doors, too.... (more)

October 6, 2019
NBC NEWS ? Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) talks to Chuck Todd about "propaganda stuff" in response to a question about Ukraine, during an exclusive interview with Meet the Press.... (more)

October 6, 2019
MSN ? In 2016, Erick Erickson could not have been clearer. Donald Trump was "a racist" and "a fascist." It was no wonder, Mr. Erickson wrote, that "so many people with swastikas in their Twitter profile pics" supported him. "I will not vote for Donald Trump. Ever," he insisted, adding his voice to the chorus of Never Trump Republicans.... (more)

October 6, 2019
THE GATEWAY PUNDIT ? As reported yesterday --House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) learned about the Deep State CIA spy's accusations against President Trump several days before the officer filed a whistleblower complaint. It is blatantly obvious that Adam Schiff is one of the main architects of this coup against Trump and worked with the Brennan protege and partisan CIA operative to help him craft the complaint.... (more)

October 4, 2019
City tried to dictate speech of licensed therapists
WORLDNETDAILY ? A federal judge has torpedoed the city of Tampa's attempt to block licensed counselors from helping patients overcome unwanted same-sex attractions. Similar laws have been defeated in other jurisdictions. In Tampa, U.S. District Judge William Jung granted summary judgment to Liberty Counsel in its lawsuit against Tampa's ordinance prohibiting "licensed counselors from providing voluntary talk therapy to minors seeking help to reduce or eliminate their unwanted same-sex attractions, behaviors, or identity."... (more)

October 4, 2019
Have new concerns after emerging from meeting with intel community IG
WORLDNETDAILY ? Fresh from hearing the closed-door testimony of Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson on Friday, Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee are calling on committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., to recuse himself from the impeachment inquiry of President Trump.... (more)

October 4, 2019
YOUTUBE ? A woman from the pro-Trump group LaRouche PAC gets up at an Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez town hall in Queens on October 3, 2019 to rant about eating babies.... (more)

October 4, 2019
YOUTUBE ? Democratic presidential candidates Beto O'Rourke (Alex Moffat), Andrew Yang (Bowen Yang), Pete Buttigieg (Colin Jost), Cory Booker (Chris Redd), Elizabeth Warren (Kate McKinnon), Marianne Williamson (Chloe Fineman), Bernie Sanders (Larry David), Joe Biden (Woody Harrelson), Kamala Harris (Maya Rudolph) speak at CNN's Impeachment Town Hall.... (more)

October 4, 2019
FOX BUSINESS ? White House chief economic adviser Larry Kudlow says no one is better equipped than President Trump to stand up to China. "Regarding manufacturing and particularly manufacturing exports, I know everybody wants to go after President Trump, who is doing, in my judgement, he is doing the Lord's work to defend the United States economy and its national security by showing how China must change its ways," Kudlow told FOX Business' "Varney & Co." on Friday.... (more)

October 4, 2019
FOX NEWS BUSINESS ? President Trump on Friday declared the U.S. economy a "miracle." "So the unemployment numbers just came out, and they're the best numbers we've had in over 50 years," Trump told reporters before boarding Marine One. "The unemployment number is down to 3.5 percent, so that goes way, way back. We haven't had numbers like this in a long time."... (more)

October 4, 2019
DAVID FRENCH ? I remember June 29, 1992, all too well. That was the day the Supreme Court issued its decision in Planned Parenthood v. Casey. In that case, a court composed of a majority of Republican appointees not only reaffirmed the central holding of Roe v. Wade, it articulated a version of "liberty" that rendered the definition of personhood nearly entirely individualized and subjective -- science be damned. The plurality opinion declared, "At the heart of liberty is the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life."... (more)

October 4, 2019
CLIFF KINCAID ? Anti-communist freedom fighter Vladimir Bukovsky suggests there is a simple reason why the West has never held Nuremberg-style court trials for the communists -- Western leaders were complicit in communist crimes and they don't want to be held accountable.... (more)

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