London Green Party is gearing towards the local elections next year and we're ambitious. We want to win more Green Councillors than ever before.
Hundreds of London Green members have helped by signing up to give a regular monthly donation. That money helps us pay for the staff and campaign resources we need to deliver success. Can you help?
Our plans include growing our staff team to support local parties. In regions with more Field Organisers we win more council seats. It's as simple as that. ?
Having full-time Field Organisers to support local Green Party volunteers is key to seeing more elected Greens and getting action on the Climate Emergency.
We're also commissioning research to find out what voters thought about our London election campaign, and what we can improve.
A regular monthly giftis one of the most transformational things you can do. If just 100 members signed up to donate ?10 a month we'd easily cover our expenditure.
P.S. If you can't give a regular gift but want to give a one off payment that's great too!
You received this email because you signed up to our mailing list on our website, took a campaign action, gave us your address at an event or because you're a member of the Green Party. Find out more about London Green Party Green Party here. Published and promoted by Chris Rose on behalf of the Green Party, both at The Biscuit Factory, Unit 215 J Block, 100 Clements Road, London, SE16 4DG. Not a member? You can join today!
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