Weekly transmissions from Adbusters, the journal of the mental environment
Unprime Day
Prime Day, Amazon’s yearly deal-hawking hoopla for its swindled subscribers, begins on June 21.
And there’s never been a better occasion to cancel your Prime membership and boycott Amazon and all its subsidiaries (which include AbeBooks, Amazon Studios, Audible, Book Depository, ComiXology, Goodreads, IMDb, Twitch, Whole Foods, Zappos, and dozens more).
As you can tell from the list above, Amazon owns a huge number of companies whose products and services millions use every single day.
The point is not just that megacorporations are taking over the world, but that one monolithic corporation named Amazon controls an ever-increasing share of our mental environment.
Think that sounds exaggerated? Think again.
Today, Amazon has its finger in cloud computing, streaming, electronics, home security, A.I., surveillance — and yes, even the defense industry. Oh, and did we mention that it’s now a bank, too?
As one of the ten biggest corporations on the planet, it’s power to influence you is therefore enormous. It’s meddling in areas of your life you’re not even aware of.
It doesn’t have to be this way. Amazon’s fate lies in one person’s hands . . . one person with the power to make or break the gargantuan tech tyrant, by either shopping from it — or dropping it altogether.
And that person is you.
Culture Shop
These legal fictions we ourselves created two centuries ago now rule over us with virtual impunity.
But in our latest issue, we lay out a plan to take back our sovereignty, restore our dignity — and make corporations work for us, not the other way around.
Check out our rip-roaring new video for this issue!
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The family responsible for the opioid crisis shouldn’t be allowed to walk free.
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