Vulture Conservation Foundation news bulletin
May 2021

Cinereous Vultures are
breeding again in Bulgaria

Cinereous Vultures are breeding again in Bulgaria after 28 years since their extinction! The reintroduced pair that successfully hatched a chick in the wild signifies the important work carried out within the Vultures Back to LIFE project. Still, the work to restore large vulture populations in Bulgaria started long before the launch of this LIFE project, which builds on years of targeted reintroduction efforts and trans-border collaboration efforts. 
Learn more about this milestone

First-ever release of Bearded Vultures
in Germany

After more than 140 years since their extinction, Bearded Vultures live again in the Bavarian Alps in Germany after the recent release of "Wally" and "Bavaria", two female captive-bred birds that hatched in our centre in Spain. Together with partners, we recently released the birds in a hacking cave situated in the Nationalpark Berchtesgaden, where they will spend the next few weeks acclimatizing to their new home until they are ready to take their first flights into freedom in early July! This event makes Germany the fifth country participating in our successful Bearded Vulture reintroduction project in the Alps that started decades ago. 

Watch the birds' progress live

Introducing LIFE SAFE for VULTURES

LIFE SAFE for VULTURES, our new LIFE-funded project in Sardinia, builds on the work of the successful LIFE Under Griffon Wings with the ultimate goal to restore the Griffon Vulture population to its former range on the island. To mitigate threats, the project team will expand the network of farm feeding stations, create several anti-poison dog units across the territory, establish an additional feeding station in the south of the island and reduce the threat of collision and electrocution with energy infrastructures. Finally, the ream will also import and release 40 additional Griffon Vultures coming from Spain and captive breeding programmes to boost the local population.

Read about the new LIFE project

Latest news about Europe's
vulture species

Bearded Vulture

Andalusian authorities identify suspect in regards to the fatal poisoning of three Bearded Vultures thanks to an appropriate investigative response

Corsica welcomes two more captive-bred Bearded Vultures to restock the wild population

Late hatching of Bearded Vulture baby brings this captive breeding season to a closes

A limited-edition Bearded Vulture themed water bottle by Quechua supports the species' conservation

The first Bearded Vultures were reintroduced in the Swiss Alps 30 years ago today

Why are we releasing Bearded Vultures in Germany for the first time ever tomorrow?

Bearded Vultures "Bavaria" and "Wally" successfully released in the Berchtesgaden National Park in Germany

Egyptian Vulture

Investigation in the Canary Islands reveals the threat of electrocution to birds like the endangered Egyptian Vulture

Griffon Vulture

A wind farm in Navarre kills one vulture every three days

Discovery of Griffon Vulture pair nesting on a tree — first record in Portugal

Latest news from our
vulture conservation projects

The BalkanDetox LIFE project, led by us at the Vulture Conservation Foundation, aims to strengthen national capacities to fight wildlife poisoning and raise awareness about the problem across seven Balkan countries.

Latest news
Seven young Griffon Vultures of different backgrounds successfully freed into Croatia's wild

Griffon Vulture Sunchica that needed rescuing twice embarked on an impressive return trip

The BalkanDetox LIFE Project Team Finally Met in Person: 1st NEEMO Monitor Visit and 2nd Partnership Meeting
Vultures Back to LIFE, led by Green Balkans and the Fund for Wild Flora and Fauna, aims to reintroduce the Cinereous Vulture back to Bulgaria since it was declared extinct in the 1980s. 

Latest news
Cinereous Vulture illegally poisoned in Bulgaria less than one month following her reintroduction into the wild

BREAKING NEWS: Cinereous Vultures are breeding again in Bulgaria's wild years after their extinction

LIFE GypConnect led by LPO and co-funded by the MAVA Foundation aims to create a breeding population in France's Massif Central and Department of the Drôme to connect the Alpine and Pyrenean populations of Bearded Vultures. 

Latest news
Reintroduced Bearded Vulture Eglazine crosses France and embarks on an adventure in the Netherlands

First in Europe: reintroduced Bearded Vulture that wandered in the Netherlands killed by wind farm

Two more captive-bred Bearded Vultures released in Vercors as part of our reintroduction project

Necropsy results shed light on the first Bearded Vulture fatality caused by wind turbine collision in Europe

The LIFE with Vultures project, led by BirdLife Cyprus, aims to save the threatened Griffon Vulture population in Cyprus by tackling key threats and restocking their population. 

Latest news
Vultures: allies in the ecosystem, with added financial benefits

The LIFE RE-Vultures project, led by Rewilding Europe, aims to support the recovery of Cinereous and GriffonVulture populations in the cross border Rhodope Mountain region.

Latest news
Bulgaria's Rhodope Mountains welcomed many Griffon Vulture chicks this year again

Livestock breeders and conservationists increase safe food sources for three vulture species in the Meteora of the North

First known Bearded Vulture mortality
by wind turbines in Europe

The juvenile Bearded Vulture Angèle that was reintroduced last year in Baronnies, France, as part of the LIFE GypConnect reintroduction project, wandered in the Netherlands and was killed when he collided with a wind turbine. This mortality is the first registered of its kind for the species in Europe. 

Review the necropsy results
Research Reviews
Research plays a crucial role in conserving and protecting vultures as it can help inform future conservation strategies and actions. Here at the VCF, our staff and board members significantly contribute to vulture studies, and we continually review research carried out by our colleagues to stay up to date with the latest vulture conservation insights. Have a look at our latest research reviews:

Habitat modelling helps assess risk of wind farms for Bearded Vultures in the Alps

Lead ammunition is a problem for eagles and vultures

Understanding the links between landscape anthropization and stress in Griffon Vultures
Follow vultures like Sunchica online 

Since October 2020, the Griffon Vulture Sunchica travelled far and wide. The bird left the Balkans and reached the Middle East, where she spent the winter months. Five months later, Sunchica returned home! According to the data of the GPS transmitter on her back, she has flown 18,732 km during this period!

Explore her travels 
We here at the VCF follow the movements of several vultures as part of different projects. You can track the movements of all the European vulture species we tagged within our different projects and regions by visiting our online public maps

Bearded Vulture online maps
Cinereous Vulture online maps
Egyptian Vulture online maps
Griffon Vulture online maps
Watch our latest videos
Photo credits: FWFF, Hansruedi Weyrich, LBV, LIFE Under Griffon Wings, Massimo Prati and Vulture Conservation Foundation.
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If you have any news you would like to share, please contact Eleni Karatzia, Events, Outreach and Communications Officer.  
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