Dear John, 

Happy Father’s Day to all incarcerated fathers and those fathers who have returned home from prisons, jails, and detention centers throughout our country. To lift up fathers and illustrate fatherhood in freedom after incarceration, we commissioned a portrait series with photographer Aaron Jay Young. The series is called “Boundless: Fathers in Freedom.”

The project would not be possible without the incredibly generous support of Felicia Horowitz and the shepherding and vision of Shaka Senghor, a loving and inspiring father himself.

In “Boundless” our goal is to show the beauty of the fathers in our community and to illustrate the poignant father-child relationships that animate our community and work. We have posted portraits from this series today and will do so throughout Father’s Day week on ARC social media accounts, along with moving reflections from those pictures on what it means to be a father. We hope you enjoy the portraits.

Click HERE to view the beautiful portraits.  

Thank you to Aaron Jay Young and his amazing team for taking these photographs, brimming with humanity and love. And thank you to the fathers and children featured in "Boundless"--we want the world to see your power and beauty!

Thank you,

Anti-Recidivism Coalition (ARC)

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Anti-Recidivism Coalition 
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