From Tre Graves, Democracy for America <[email protected]>
Subject Pinkwashing Pride Month with rainbow flags and donations to Republicans
Date June 20, 2021 9:27 PM
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Happy Father's Day to all, especially dad's like me excited to be
celebrating post pandemic with family and friends. But just as Father's
Day falls on the weekend celebrating Juneteenth this year, the whole month
of June is also Pride, a celebration of everyone in our LGBTQ+ community.

Over the last several years, more and more corporations have embraced
Pride celebrations, voicing public support for protecting equal rights and
sponsoring celebration events, parade floats, and parties.

That would be great news, if these corporations walked the walk instead of
just talking the talk. Because when it comes to truly supporting the
LGBTQ+ community with concrete measures, very few corporations go beyond
pride-colored products and cliche phrases to help -- and many of them
actually do the opposite.

Take AT&T, one of the worst offenders.

While their social media pages are decorated for Pride, they donated
$204,350 to 133 anti-LGBTQ legislators, including $56,295 to Mitch
McConnell’s 2020 campaign -- and while he was actively blocking the
Equality Act.

Walmart gave $150,000 to McConnell and other GOP senators and American
Airlines donated $46,617 to Mitch McConnell’s 2020 campaign.

[ [link removed] ]Actions speak louder than words: Demand these corporations put their
money where their mouth is and stop all donations to any politicians that
actively work to harm the LBGTQ+ community. 

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The list of hypocrisy goes on, from Bank of America, Wells Fargo, to
Lowe’s, and Microsoft these corporations all claim to be against laws that
discriminate based on sexual orientation and gender identity, but then
turn around and donate money to anti-LBGTQ+ politicians like Mitch

These corporations have been doing it for years.

In 2016, when North Carolina passed a law that discriminated based on
sexual orientation and gender identity, many of these corporations decried
the action in public while still bankrolling the hateful politicians who
voted for it.

Companies need to do more than place the rainbow flag on their products
and pages – especially when the LGBTQ+ community is under attack by
Republicans across the country.

[ [link removed] ]This has to stop. Demand these corporations stop pinkwashing and end
all donations to any politicians that actively work to harm the LBGTQ+
community immediately.

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Thank you for standing united for action today!

In solidarity,

— Tre

Tre Graves
Campaign Organizer
Democracy for America


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