John, we don’t have much time. The For the People Act is going to the Senate floor for a vote this week, and we need to build an avalanche of public pressure on Congress to pass it.
Here are two ways you can help get thousands of people calling the Senate:

The For the People Act won’t pass without Senator Manchin’s vote. We’ve been calling his constituents in West Virginia and patching them through to his office to voice their support for the bill, and this pressure is working — Manchin is buckling.
Help us keep up the momentum: Join us on Tuesday, June 22nd, at 5:30pm ET / 2:30pm PT to call voters in West Virginia, educate them about this critical bill, and patch them through to Manchin.
No time to phonebank? Our brand new ad with Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom is already generating calls to the Senate. If we can get this ad in front of 10 million people, we can flood Congress with thousands of calls and make sure they know saving democracy is the only way to save our future — and their reelection.
Chip in $25 right now so we can run this as a digital ad ASAP and drive more calls to the Senate. Every $20 reaches 2,000 new people with this urgent message. Your donation will fund targeted ads designed to reach those who haven’t yet heard of the Act, so we can funnel new voices to their senator’s offices.
A huge show of public support leading up to this vote will show politicians that their constituents want this bill passed and they’re willing to fight for it. Senator Manchin has already moved from a “no” vote to a “maybe” thanks to this pressure, and with even more public support, we can turn him into a YES vote.
This bill would fundamentally transform our broken political system. It would stop 400+ voting rights attacks in states across America, stop billionaires from controlling our elections, end gerrymandering, restrict dark money and lobbyists, and more. This is our moment — let’s meet it.
Thank you,
Jen Johnson Movement Director RepresentUs