A growing concern among classical liberals is that freedom has been downgraded from a default setting to a privilege over the past 15 months. We willingly surrendered civil liberties in exchange for safety and security, and the relationship between government and citizen fundamentally shifted as a result. 

This has not gone unnoticed by nanny statists. Public health officials, and those sympathetic to their cause, could have paused for a little introspection, chronicled their catalogue of failures in pandemic preparedness, and considered that agencies like the World Health Organisation might do better to focus on protecting the public from infectious diseases than fixate on sugar or vaping. Instead, they have exploited Covid-19 to seize more of our liberties and clamp down on the things we enjoy.

But while those of us who believe in personal autonomy and individual responsibility have lost ground, the outcry in response to a WHO suggestion this week that women of “childbearing age” avoid alcohol provides reassurance that the fibres in the public's freedom muscle haven’t forgotten how to twitch.

The WHO’s draft global alcohol action plan 2022-2030, which urges countries to pay 'appropriate attention to prevention' of consumption in certain groups, ignited rancour and attracted ridicule. Speaking to GB News for the first time since its launch last Sunday, I explained why the proposal was as idiotic as it was infantilising. You can watch a clip – featuring a cameo from the window cleaner! – here.

That the measure wouldn’t just apply to expectant mothers, but all women across a period spanning three or four decades, reeks of sexism. Should it apply to the 10 per cent, possibly more, of women who choose to be child free? As our Head of Lifestyle Economics Christopher Snowdon put it, the idea that it is unsafe for women to consume alcohol before their mid-50s is "unscientific and absurd".  

It will be hard work ensuring that the powers government has granted itself during this crisis are abolished, and that our liberties are restored in full. But we must strive to be freer after the pandemic than we were before it, and rebutting preposterous paternalistic policies will be part of the battle.

Annabel Denham
Director of Communications, Institute of Economic Affairs


Cautious optimism... This week, IEA Director General Mark Littlewood made his debut on GB News in an extended interview on whether the UK is on course for a strong economic recovery.

Mark said we are "crawling" rather than bouncing back. He noted that while the employment data are, on the face of it, "encouraging", things may look less rosy when the furlough scheme ends. 

Mark expressed concern over inflation, due to high levels of both money printing and pent up demand in the economy. You can watch clips here and here.

In his bi-weekly column for The Times, Mark warned that even if the tiger of inflation is not yet roaming free, there are "good reasons to fear the cage door is wide open".

The entire UK quantitative easing programme has so far amounted to £872bn – more than half of which has been created since March last year.

Mark concluded that we will "have to deal in the years to come with the lack of economic and financial prudence we have practised over the past ten or 20 years. As far as inflation is concerned, we may well be in the position of praying for the best but having to prepare for the worst."

Waiting game... Ahead of the government's official announcement to press pause on the roadmap out of lockdown, IEA Economics Fellow Julian Jessop estimated that a delay could cost as much as £1bn a week.

Quoted in The Sun and the Daily Mail, Julian said that even a short delay could be the "final straw" for many businesses, especially pubs, that have only just survived.

Mark Littlewood commented that the government "isn't just moving the goalposts, it is playing a wholly different sport". His response to the delay was featured across the media, including in the Daily Express, the Mirror and the Daily Mail.  

Elsewhere, IEA Director of Communications Annabel Denham warned in an article for The Telegraph that the risk of new strains of the virus cannot be used as "an excuse for the permanent expansion of the state". And in her column for The Spectator Coffee House, Annabel wrote that "we all need a better sense of the trade-offs, not least the 25 per cent of staff in arts and entertainment on furlough" or the "25,000 licensed venues that have still not reopened".

And in an opinion piece for CapXIEA Head of Regulatory Affairs Victoria Hewson argued that the government has struck the wrong balance in its attempt to eliminate all risk from Covid. Victoria added that the government's strategy desperately lacks the necessary Parliamentary scrutiny. 

WHO do they think they are? As Annabel mentioned, this week the World Health Organisation published its draft global action plan for 2022-2030. Included in the report is a recommendation for women of childbearing age to abstain from drinking alcohol.

IEA Head of Lifestyle Economics Christopher Snowdon said this is "classic World Health Organisation idiocy", is "none of the WHO's business" and reflects the warped priorities of the organisation.

His comments were featured across the press, including in the Mirror, The Telegraph, The Times, The Sun, The New York Post, The Evening Standard and a range of other national and international outlets. 

Live from Lord North Street... on Wednesday our Head of Media Emily Carver appeared on BBC Politics Live, alongside George Freeman MP, Andrew Gwynne MP and journalist Ayesha Hazarika.

The panellists discussed lockdown, climate change policy and EU regulation. Emily argued that it is right for the government to take advantage of our new domestic autonomy by reducing the regulatory burden on UK businesses. Reviewing the 'precautionary principle', Emily suggested, would be a good place to start. Catch up on the programme here.  

British bangers... The future of power-sharing in Northern Ireland is in jeopardy following the resignation of the DUP's new leader Edwin Poots. IEA Head of Regulatory Affairs Victoria Hewson appeared on GB News to discuss the current negotiations over the Northern Ireland Protocol.

Victoria argued that the UK's firm negotiating stance is working: it looks likely that the EU are going to agree to extend the grace period to allow "British bangers" into Northern Ireland for a few more months while they try to work out a permanent solution. You can watch a clip here.

Taking the view... IEA Director of Communications Annabel Denham appeared on Sky News The View to offer analysis on some of the day's newspaper opinion pages. Alongside Times columnist Rachel Sylvester, she discussed whether we now live in "Orwellian Britain," and whether the era of the "small state" is over.

*Live with Littlewood

Does the data justify the delay to the roadmap out of lockdown? Can the hospitality sector survive continued Covid restrictions? is the economy really healing? And what is the state of free speech in Britain? These were some of the questions put to this week's Live with Littlewood panel.

Guests included IEA Head of Cultural Affairs Marc Glendening; Michael Kill, CEO of the Night Time Industries Association; Jonathon Kitson, Fellow at the Adam Smith Institute; Mo Lovatt, Programme Coordinator at the Academy of Ideas; Political Journalist and Commentator Isabel Oakeshott; and TaxPayers' Alliance Chief Executive John O'Connell. Catch up on the episode here.

*In Conversation with Dominic Frisby

And earlier this week IEA Director General Mark Littlewood chaired an In Conversation event with British author, financial writer and expert, comedian, actor, and prominent libertarian figure Dominic Frisby. They discussed his latest YouTube video, 'I love Wetherspoons', his recent book 'Daylight Robbery' about the history of taxation, and the end of lockdown. You can catch up on the discussion here

*Why are there few women economists?

A recent FT article, titled 'Fixing economics’ gender problem,' argued that change to make economics more representative is overdue. Were the authors right? Why are women deterred from studying – and pursuing careers in – economics?

In a new video, IEA Director of Communications Annabel Denham chairs a discussion with economist and author Vicky Pryce; Head of Economics and Business at St Edward’s School in Cheltenham and Chief Examiner for EdExcel Economics Rachel Cole; and IEA Editorial and Research Fellow Professor Len Shackleton. You can watch here

*Competition or co-operation?

The Vinson Centre continue to produce brief economics education videos on their YouTube channel, Vinson Economics. The latest video is on the false dichotomy between competition and co-operation. Watch here

Thank you to all of you who have already signed up to become an IEA Online Patron. Becoming a Patron grants you VIP access to our latest videos, priority invites to our virtual events, and the opportunity to engage directly with IEA Director General Mark Littlewood and the IEA team. For just a small donation you can get all these benefits and more.

To visit the page and find out more about the IEA’s Patreon, follow the link here or watch our trailer here.

*Dorian Fisher Memorial Prize

The deadline to enter this year's Dorian Fisher Essay Memorial Prize is Friday 30th July. The competition is open to all A-Level and IB students, with the chance of winning a first prize of £500, and £250 each for three runners-up. The top 20 entries will also all be invited to a special one-day event at the IEA in the autumn term.

The prize for this competition is named after Dorian Fisher, the wife of Sir Antony Fisher, founder of the IEA, who was a long-time supporter of the Institute and its work. You can find out more details on the IEA website here. If you would like to enter, please send you entry to [email protected], clearly stating your name and school. 


*Markets and Morality: Should foreign aid be cut?

The government came under pressure last week to reverse the temporary cut to foreign aid from 0.7 to 0.5 per cent of gross national income. Rebel MPs failed to table an amendment to reverse the decision but they secured a three-hour debate on the subject. 
Should Britain spend more on foreign aid? While the majority of the public support the cut, would reducing waste and increasing awareness of the impact ease their concerns? IEA Head of Public Affairs Emma Revell hosted a debate between Duncan Simpson, Research Director at the TaxPayers’ Alliance, and Sam Bowman, Director of Competition Policy at the International Center for Law and Economics. The episode will be available from 9.30am today on the IEA YouTube channel.
Don’t want to wait? IEA Patreon members get exclusive access 24 hours before the general public.  

* IEA Book Club Webinar with Jasper Becker: Made in China – Wuhan, Covid, and the Quest for Biotech Supremacy

On Monday, 21st June at 6pm, the IEA Book Club will host Jasper Becker, British author, commentator, journalist, and expert on Asian Politics for a webinar on his latest book, ‘Made in China: Wuhan, Covid, and the Quest for Biotech Supremacy’. This event will be chaired by IEA Head of Education Dr Stephen Davies.

In his book, Jasper explores what we know, and still don’t know, about the origins of Covid-19 and how it was handled in China. This event is exclusive to IEA Book Club members. To find out more about the Book Club please visit the link here or contact us directly at [email protected]

*COP9 and Its Impact on Vapers

At 6pm on Thursday 24th June, the IEA will host a discussion on the impact of COP9, the World Health Organisations Conference of Parties, on vapers. The panel will discuss who represents the UK at COP, how decisions are reached (and whether we should listen to them), and the 2030 smoke-free target. 

IEA Director General Mark Littlewood will chair the discussion with panellists Matt Ridley, Vice-Chair of the APPG on Vaping, IEA Head of Lifestyle Economics Christopher Snowdon, and Louis Houlbrooke of the New Zealand Taxpayers' Union. You can watch it live on our YouTube channel here.
*IIMR Money Webinar Series - Summer Term 2021

From 6-7pm on Wednesday 23rd June, the IIMR Money Webinar Series will host a roundtable discussion on the state of the economy and inflation outlook for 2021 and 2022, with Founder and Chairman of the IIMR Professor Tim Congdon, Director of the IIMR Dr Juan Castaneda, former Treasurer of Barclays Capital Brandon Davies, and Geoffrey Wood, Economics Professor at the University of Buckingham. You can register here.

*MA in Political Economy by Research

The IEA is working with the Vinson Centre for the Public Understanding of Economics and Entrepreneurship at the University of Buckingham on the delivery of an MA in Political Economy by Research.

The programme can be completed by distance learning and is aimed at graduates with a strong interest in the history of economic ideas and the application of economics to questions of public policy.

Online seminars will cover topics on Adam Smith; David Ricardo; John Stuart Mill; Alfred Marshall; the marginalists and neoclassical economics; Karl Marx; Friedrich Hayek and the Austrians; J.M. Keynes; James Buchanan, Gordon Tullock and public choice theory; the Frankfurt School; and behavioural economics.

For further information, please follow the link here.

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But if you do have a little extra cash available to help the IEA during these uncertain times, your contribution – no matter how small – would be deeply appreciated. 

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