Fellow patriot,
Mitt Romney continues to be the perpetual thorn in the side of President Trump.
He was annoying on the campaign trail when he attempted to sink the Republican Party by anointing himself as the nominee over Donald Trump.
And in so doing, he nearly gave away the election to Hillary Clinton...
Now he's putting together plans to challenge President Trump in the Republican Primary!
Hotair just branded him perfectly: "Romney has re-emerged, as he does occasionally, to be the self-appointed voice of morality."
Help us send a clarion message to Mitt Romney:
Block His Treasonous Campaign Before It Starts
Hotair continued their expose of the Mitt rumor mill:
"His talent at flip-flopping is legendary. While Romney is clutching his pearls over Trump's phone call, I haven't seen a tweet criticizing Rep. Adam Schiff for lying about contact with the whistleblower who filed the complaint that opened up the investigation into the phone call. Even the Washington Post gave that four Pinocchios. That's the problem with Romney - he's too busy criticizing a Republican president to criticize Democrats. He was the first one out of the gate to jab at Trump on Twitter."
That's typical Mitt Romney...
...he'll do and say whatever he must in order to aggrandize himself in the public.
But now he's a greater threat than ever before.
If he challenges President Trump, the media will use it as an excuse to tear him down even more and promote disunity among Republicans ahead of the 2020 election.
Will you sign the petition and help us TELL MITT TO QUIT?
Steve Eichler,
CEO, TeaParty.org